Polarised electrons and positrons at HERA:
experience and expectations after the Luminosity Upgrade.
D.P. Barber, M. Berglund, E. Gianfelice.
Talk given at the 14th Int. Spin Physics Symposium
(SPIN2000), Osaka, Japan, Oct. 2000.
Polarised electrons and positrons at HERA
D.P. Barber and E. Gianfelice.
Talk given at the the conference DIS2002, Cracow, Poland, May 2002.
Spin-Orbit Maps and Electron Spin
Dynamics for the Luminosity Upgrade Project at HERA
Mari Berglund
Doctoral Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, June 2001,
Report DESY-THESIS-2001-044 (2001).
[ If Ghostview not installed:
Thesis.pdf. ]
A (superconducting, combined function) GO magnet:
On the left: the magnet section which sits partially inside the detector.
On the right: the current and helium supplies