ECFA Study of Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider

ECFA Study of Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider

Topic of the Study Goals Working Groups Upcoming Events LC Notes Technology Choice Topics of Interest
ECFA Organizing committee Worldwide Linear Collider Studies Official and Press Statements on Linear Collider Policy Extended ECFA/DESY Study (2001-2003) 2nd ECFA/DESY Study (1998-2000) DESY

Organizing committee
 Organizing Committee of the ECFA Study of Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider (last update 2010)
 Chair: François Richard, LAL Orsay
  Ties Behnke, DESY
Grahame Blair, Royal Holloway, U London
Mario Calvetti, LNF Frascati
Mikhail Danilov, ITEP, Moscow
Albert de Roeck, CERN
Sergio Bertolucci, CERN
Jean-Pierre Delahaye, CERN
Eckhard Elsen, DESY
Juan Fuster, IFIC Valencia
Joachim Mnich, DESY
Wolfgang Hollik, MPI Munich
Leif Jönsson, Lund
Jan Kalinowski, Warsaw
Marcello Piccolo, Frascati
Ron Settles, MPI Munich
Valery Telnov, Novosibirsk
Jan Timmermans, NIKHEF
Vaclav Vrba, Prague
Tatsuya Nakada, CERN (ECFA Chair)
  As the organising committee of the Extended ECFA/DESY Study, we propose that ECFA should support these activities for a further two years, from Spring 2003. The three ECFA-supported studies so far have played an enormously important role in preparing the case for the linear collider. This case has been endorsed by representative bodies in Europe, America and Asia. An International Linear Collider Steering Group has been formed,
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