Philipp Neumann

High Performance Computing and Data Science

Philipp Neumann's research focuses on high performance computing for molecular dynamics simulations, multiscale simulations in fluid dynamics and machine learning. At DESY, Neumann is the first lead scientist for the area of computer science. As head of DESY IT, Neumann takes over the coordination of Helmholtz Federated IT Services HIFIS (the federated IT infrastructure and Helmholtz platform for supporting research work within the Helmholtz Association).

Philipp Neumann further has experience in third-party funding acquisition, establishing research groups and building up HPC capacities as well as related competence structures.

Academic career

2024 Professorship (W3) with research and teaching mandate in "Informatics, in particular High Performance Computing und Data Science"
Joint appointment, DESY and Universität Hamburg (Jülich model)
2024 Leading Scientist and Head of IT, DESY
2019 - 2024 Professorship (W3) with research and teaching mandate, Chair in High Performance Computing, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/ University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
2019 Habilitation, Chair in Scientific Computing, Technical University of Munich
2017 - 2019 Postdoc, Chair in Scientific Computing, University of Hamburg
2016 - 2019 Senior Researcher, German Climate Computing Center, Department for Application Support
2013 - 2016 Postdoc, Chair in Scientific Computing, Technical University of Munich
2008 - 2013 Doctorate, Chair in Scientific Computing, Technical University of Munich
2003 - 2008 Diploma in Engineering Mathematics (Technomathematik), Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg


Selection of Acitvities

  • since 2021: Member of the Steering Committee, International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC)
  • IPDPS 2021: Member of the Programme Committee, International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing (PDSEC)
  • ICCS 2021: Member of the Programme Committee, Multiscale Modelling and Simulation Workshop
  • ISC HPC 2021: Member of the Project Poster Committee
  • ISC HPC 2020: Chair of the Project Poster Track
  • PASC 2019: Member of the Minisymposia and Poster Programme Committee
  • ISC HPC 2019: Vice Chair of the Project Poster Track, Member of the HPC Algorithms Track
  • IEEE Cluster 2018: Member of the Programme Committee