URL: https://www.desy.de/administration/a_to_z/index_eng.html
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General Information and DESY Services A to Z
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Battery disposal
Batteries must be specially recycled and collected separately from residual waste. If necessary, green collection boxes will be issued by D5 and collected again after notification. More Infomation can be found on the V8 Website.
Bicycles to lend
To lend a Workplace bicycle contact the departement for general services V1 in Bldg. 6, Room 110
Bilingual at DESY
DESY wants to provide all employees with barrier-free access to all information required for responsible action in the interests of the organization. The international nature of the DESY workforce and our guests requires that general information sources such as the intranet as well as guidelines, forms and procedural instructions are made available not only in German but also in English. You can send any information and requirements to the contact addressbilingual@desy.de. Messages are going to be read, any need for additional translations is determined and forwarded to the relevant departments. Find more informations on the V6 Website.
Bistro hire
The bistro premises can currently be booked by the departement V1. On this website you could find all information around booking rooms at DESY. Please, wait for the booking confirmation. Catering services could be ordered by AlsterFood directly