

Vorträge und Veranstaltungen bei DESY

Dieser Monat « 09.2016 » Woche | Monat
15:00 Hamburg
SR 4 Building 1b
A Joint Instrumentation Seminar of the Particle Physics and Photon Science communities at DESY, Hamburg University and XFEL
Detectors for Gravitational Waves (title tbc)
Roman Schnabel
16:30 Hamburg
2a, SR 2
Theory Seminar
Oscillating chiral tensor spectrum from axionic inflation
Ippei Obata (Kyoto University)
09:30 Hamburg
Hörsaal Geb.5 | SR Flash Geb. 28c | SR2 Geb. 2a

14.15 Hamburg
CFEL Seminar room V (Bldg. 99)
CFEL Seminar
The Particle-Hole Map: a Computational Tool to Visualize Electronic Excitations
Carsten A. Ullrich (University of Missouri, Columbia)
15:00 Hamburg
Geb. 2a, SR 2
Theory Seminar
W boson mass determination at hadron colliders
Alessandro Vicini (Milan University)
10:00 Hamburg
Geb. 1b, SR4a
Hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Angular analysis of B -> K*ll and search for B+ -> K+ tau tau at the Belle Experiment
Simon Wehle
11:15 Hamburg
CFEL Seminar room V (Bldg. 99)
CFEl Seminar
Memcomputing: a brain-inspired topological computing paradigm
Massimiliano Di Ventra (University of California San Diego)
14:00 Hamburg
CFEL Building 99, Ground Floor, Seminar Room I
Photon Science Lecture
Light that twists inside fibers
Siddharth Ramachandran (ECE Department & Photonics Center, Boston University, Boston, MA)
10:00 -17:00 Zeuthen

EINBLICK - Tag der offenen Tür bei DESY in Zeuthen
10:00 Hamburg
Gebäude 1 b, SR 4 a+b,
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Measurement of the Cross Sections of tt(bar) Production in the Boosted Regime with the CMS Detector at \sqrt{s}=8 TeV
Ganna Dolinska
FLASH, building 28, seminar room

Three-way Meeting (APS, ESRF, PETRA III and SPring-8)
14:00 Hamburg
FLASH Seminar room

PRP Meetings November 2016
17:30 Hamburg
Building 46 g

PETRA III Inauguration
The two newly built PETRA III experimental halls will be named
Photon Science Workshop
5th Joint Workshop on High Pressure, Planetary and Plasma Physics (HP4)

Three-way Meeting (APS, ESRF, PETRA III and SPring-8)

Three-way Meeting (APS, ESRF, PETRA III and SPring-8)
Photon Science Workshop
5th Joint Workshop on High Pressure, Planetary and Plasma Physics (HP4)

Three-way Meeting (APS, ESRF, PETRA III and SPring-8)
Photon Science Workshop
5th Joint Workshop on High Pressure, Planetary and Plasma Physics (HP4)
11:00 Hamburg
European XFEL Seminar
Terahertz pump/X-ray probe experiments at the Linac Coherent Light Source
Matthias Hoffmann (LCLS LST Division SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
16:15 Hamburg
CFEL – Building 99, seminar room I+II (ground floor)
CFEL Molecular Physics Seminar
Ultra-short laser induced confined microexplosion: A path to a new landscape of non-equilibrium material phases
Andrei Rode (Australian National University, Canberra)

CMSDAS - CMS Data Analysis School 2016
16:45 -18:00 Hamburg
Schenefeld, Main Building (XHQ), Room 1.173
XFEL Science Seminar
Cold and controlled molecules for XFEL experiments
Jochen Küpper (CFEL, DESY | University of Hamburg | CUI)

CMSDAS - CMS Data Analysis School 2016
16:00 Hamburg
Schenefeld, Main building (XHQ), Room E1.173
European XFEL Science Seminar
Sample Environments at the ESRF: Pulsed High Magnetic Fields and More
Peter van der Linden (ESRF – PSCM Partnership for Soft Condensed Matter)

CMSDAS - CMS Data Analysis Schoo 2016
14:30 Hamburg
CFEL, Bldg. 99, SR IV
MPSD Seminar
Correlations in the zone: ultrafast electronic dynamics and vibrational symmetry breaking in quantum materials
Robert A. Kaindl (Materials Science Division, E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
16:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Theorie Seminar
Where to go next?
Tsutomu Yanagida (Kavli IPMU Tokyo)

CMSDAS - CMS Data Analysis School 2016
11:00 Hamburg
Hörsaal III, Jungiusstraße 9, 20355 Hamburg
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
Nonequilibrium ultrafast excited state dynamics in DNA
Martina Pola

CMSDAS - CMS Data Analysis School 2016
09:30 Hamburg
Geomatikum, Bundesstraße 55, Hamburg

Local Quantum Physics and beyond - in memoriam Rudolf Haag
19:00 Hamburg
Hörsaal, Gebäude 5
Wissenswerte. | öffentliche Vorträge | Eintritt frei
DESY surft die Plasmawelle - Minibeschleuniger für Photonen- und Teilchenphysik
Dr. Jens Osterhoff (DESY)
09:30 Hamburg
DESY, main auditorium, building 5

Local Quantum Physics and beyond - in memoriam Rudolf Haag
14:00 -18:00 Hamburg
Main auditorium, building 5

Theory Workshop "Rethinking Quantum Field Theory"
09:00 -18:30 Hamburg
Plenaries in main Auditorium, building 5

Theory Workshop "Rethinking Quantum Field Theory"
14:00 -15:00 Hamburg
CFEL bldg. 99, seminar room IV, first floor
CFEL Theory Seminars
Imaging molecular electron dynamics with time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Daria Gorelova (CFEL-DESY Theory Division)
15:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
Physik Kolloquium
Johannes Blümlein (DESY)
17:00 Hamburg
Hörsaal, Geb. 5
Science Café | öffentliche Veranstaltung | Eintritt frei
Gravitationswellen – Können wir nun durchs Universum surfen?
Dr. Marc Wenskat (DESY)
09:00 -17:30 Hamburg
Plenaries in main auditorium, building 5

Theory Workshop "Rethinking Quantum Field Theory"
14:30 Hamburg
SR 1b, Geb. 1 Foyer
KITE - Konstrukteure, Ingenieure, Techniker, Entwickler
präsentiert von Uwe Schneekloth
17:30 Hamburg
DESY main auditorium, building 5
Public Lectures with internationally renowed scientists
HERTZ Lecture
Nathan Seiberg (Princeton University)
09:00 -13:00 Hamburg
Main auditorium, building 5

Theory Workshop "Rethinking Quantum Field Theory"