

Vorträge und Veranstaltungen bei DESY

Diese Woche « 02.12. - 08.12.2013 » Woche | Monat
13:00 Hamburg
Gebäude 1b/Seminarraum 4b
öffentliche Disputation
Pulse Metrology Tool and Burst-Mode Laser Amplifier for the Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg
Robert Riedel
16:30 Hamburg
Seminar room 2, building 2
Theory Seminar
Higgs Physics Beyond the Standard Model: many closed doors and some open windows"
Francesco Riva (EPF Lausanne)
16:45 Hamburg
Forum on New Results from WISP Searches
Michael Betz (CERN), Matthias Schwarz (Hamburg Observatory), Andrei Lobanov (Hamburg University and MPIfR, Bonn)
17:15 Hamburg
Institute for Laser Physics, building 69, seminar room
Graduate School Colloquium
Imaging Laser Propagation Phenomena
Hartmut Schröder (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching)
14:00 Hamburg
CFEL-bldg. 99, seminar room I
CFEL Colloquium
A generalized model of atomic processes in plasmas
Hyun-Kyung Chung (IAEA, Vienna, Austria)
14:30 Hamburg
Sem Raum 2, Building 2
Theory Colloquium
Quantum Field Theory without Lagrangians
Vyacheslav Rychkov (CERN and Paris 6)
19:00 Hamburg
öffentlicher Abendvortrag
Das Higgs-Teilchen – gesucht, gefunden, geehrt
Prof. Dr. Joachim Mnich (Direktor für den Bereich Teilchenphysik DESY)
09:30 Hamburg

13:00 Hamburg
Gebäude 3, Raum BAH1
öffentliche Disputation
Development of a Hough Transformation Track Finder for Time Projection Chambers
Isa Heinze
14:15 -15:15 Hamburg
Seminar Room 2, building 2a,
String Theory Seminar
Defects from probe M5-branes and superconformal field theories
Maxime Gabella
16:30 Hamburg
Seminar room 2, building 2
Pauli Center Blackboard Seminar
Screened interactions within dense plasmas
Beata Ziaja-Motyka (DESY)
13:30 Hamburg
AER19, R. 4.14

Design and performance of the APS superconducting undulator
Efim Gluskin (Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory)
14:00 -15:00 Hamburg
CFEL bldg. 99, seminar rooms I-III, ground floor
CFEL Colloquium
CANCELLED !!!! Recent developments in measuring few- to sub-femtosecond dynamics in molecules
Jon Marangos (Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London)
14:30 Hamburg
Building 2a, SR 2
SFB Lectures
Holography and quantum critical systems (2/3)
Volker Schomerus
15:00 Hamburg
Flash Hall Seminar Room (Bldg. 28c, top floor)
Joint Instrumenation Seminar
Saphire Detectors
Sergej Schuwalow