URL: https://www.desy.de/career/working_at_desy/what_we_offer/dual_career/pdf_eng.html/@@siteview
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Dual Career Office
Dual Career
How we ensure that partners of new DESYans open up career prospects for themselves.
Dual Career Office
• Dual Career advice is available for all partners of employees
in Hamburg and Zeuthen
• Support with career orientation and training opportunities,
individual application strategy, overview of job portals,
examination of application documents, job training and
follow-up meeting after starting the job
• Support through the contact options of the Dual Career Network
“Hamburg der Norden”, of which DESY is a member
• Support through the contact options of the Brandenburg
Dual Career Network, of which DESY is a member
• Point of contact if your partner also plans to apply at DESY
Please contact the Dual Career Office to make an appointment. This service is available to your partner during the transition to DESY or when you start a new job at DESY.