URL: https://www.desy.de/career/working_at_desy/what_we_offer/equal_opportunities/pdf_eng.html/@@siteview
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Equal opportunities
Equal Opportunities
How we create equity of opportunity.
DESY aims to reduce existing disadvantages that predominantly affect women. Women should be effectively promoted regardless of their gender, and their access and promotion opportunities should be improved. The pursuit of equality benefits all employees. Equal opportunities and equality are a common task in which everyone has a responsibility. The goal is to promote talents equally.
People and instruments which help to pursue these goals:
• Gender Equality Officer and her deputy
• Women's representative at the Zeuthen location
• Women's representatives - Body for the interests and rights of
women at DESY
• Women's represenatives in the application process
• DESY Gender Equality Plan
• Events and trainings on gender awareness