Please return to : Olaf Behnke ZEUS/F1 01a/O1.132 Tel. 3854 or email to :, Request for a DESY Summer Student in 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Jung, Hannes email : Tel : 3741 Room : 1b/O2.213 DESY-Group/Experiment : CMS ---------------------------------------------------------------- Short description of the project the student should work on : Tuning of MC parameters to latest measurements of minimum bias processes and jet-measurements We will use latest measurements from CMS to tune MC parameters to best describe minimum bias events as well as events which contain jets. We want to determine the scale at which saturation effects can be seen in the data. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Physics / Computing/ Engineering Content of the project : Physics: Understanding of basic cross section in particle physics, and multiparton interactions as well as saturation ------------------------------------------------------------------ Special Qualifications expected from the student ( Computing,...) : Interest in particle physics, and computing ------------------------------------------------------------------ Other remarks : ------------------------------------------------------------------- Supervisor(s) during the project (16/07/13 - 5/09/13) : Name: Hannes Jung Tel: email :