Please return to : Olaf Behnke ZEUS/F1 01a/O1.132 Tel. 3854 or email to :, Request for a DESY Summer Student in 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Charlotte Palmer email : Tel : x4960 Room : Geb. 1e O2/514 DESY-Group/Experiment : FLA/Plasma Accelerator Group ---------------------------------------------------------------- Short description of the project the student should work on : Many laser-plasma acceleration experiments use capillary-based gas targets with the capillaries machined from sapphire in order to enable them to survive the high discharge currents used to ignite the plasma which then becomes the medium of the acceleration. The capillary dimensions are matched to the experimental parameter and are typically several hundred microns in diameter. Proposals for improved acceleration have suggested modifications to the traditional design, such as inclusion of gas jets or tapering of the channel diameter along the interaction length. Currently at DESY there is laser machining setup which has been used to construct plain capillaries as well as those including a gas jet. The proposed project would involve improvement of this setup to enable the machining of arbitrary shaped channels. The process is controlled using a LabView program which the summer student would need to modify. Basic knowledge of LabView is therefore recommended for the assigned student. In addition, the student should explore the interface through which the new capillary design is introduce, for example, is it possible to provide the machining program with a 3D schematic of the desired channel and the required parameters be extracted from this? The project is mostly programming, however, the student should also test that the software performs correctly and therefore can be expected to spend some time in the laser laboratory when nearing completion of the project. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Physics / Computing/ Engineering Content of the project : Computing/Enginnering ------------------------------------------------------------------ Special Qualifications expected from the student ( Computing,...) : Basic knowledge of LabView recommended. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Other remarks : ------------------------------------------------------------------- Supervisor(s) during the project (16/07/12 - 5/09/12) : Name: Charlotte Palmer Tel: x4960 email :