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20.04.2017 / 14:15 - 15:15 / Hamburg, building 2a, seminar room 2
Theory ColloquiumUniversal RG flows across dimensions
Marcos Crichigno (University of Amsterdam)
In this talk I will discuss RG flows connecting supersymmetric field theories in different dimensions. I will show that flows obtained by twisted compatification on curved manifolds display interesting universal properties, i.e. are independent of the details of the theories considered. Precisely, when the flow is between even dimensions I will derive a set of universal relations among UV and IR anomaly coefficients. When the flow is between odd dimensions, instead, I willl give evidence for universal relations among UV and IR free energies. I will also discuss the RG flows from the point of view of holography, showing that the flow across dimensions is captured by black p-branes in gauged supergravity, whose entropy one may compute microscopically using the field theory duals.
More Information: https://indico.desy.de/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=17369