07.10.2022 / 10:00 - 12:00 / Hamburg, CFEL, building 15. seminar rooms I-III

Expert Workshop

openCOST: the road to publication cost transparency

The DFG funded project „openCost" creates a technical infrastructure to comprehensively record publication cost data, make them openly distributable by means of standardized interfaces, and accessible by well known platforms like EZB, OpenAPC or the the OpenAccess Monitor. Besides presenting first results from openCost itself the main goal of the workshop is to create an opportunity for knowledge exchange between national and international experts in the field. It will allow them to present their perspectives in the area of publication costs and cost transparency and report on their experiences to ensure openCost is internationally adoptable. The expert workshop will summarizes the desiderata of the individual participants and the bodies they represent. These results will serve as a starting point to enhance and fine tune the current internal proposal for a metadata schema jointly developed by the openCost core members DESY Library for the JOIN² collaboration and the university libraries of Bielefeld (e.g. OpenAPC and the OpenAccess activities there) and Regensburg (electronic journals database and the OpenAccess projects there).

More Information: https://indico.desy.de/event/35620/