14.11.2022 / 13:00 - 14:00 / Zeuthen, 1'021 (IRIS)

Lattice seminar

Pseudoscalar pole contributions to HLbL at the physical point

Dr. Gurtej Kanwar (Universität Bern, AEC)

Pseudoscalar pole diagrams are the numerically dominant component of the HLbL contribution to the muon g-2. They are one of several sources of uncertainty that will be important to improve over the coming years. The pseudoscalar transition form factors (TFFs) to two photons are the key intermediate quantities required to derive these contributions. On the lattice, the TFFs can be calculated over a range of kinematics complementary to those accessible experimentally, allowing an ab initio determination of the HLbL pole contributions. In this context, I will discuss an ongoing physical point calculation of pion and eta TFFs and pole contributions to the muon g-2 from twisted mass lattice QCD.

More Information: https://indico.desy.de/category/873/