

Lectures and events at DESY

Current week « 07.07. - 13.07.2014 » Week | Month
10:00 -20:50 Hamburg

SXNS-13 - 13th International Conference on Surface X-RAY and Neutron Scattering
14:00 Hamburg
Fachbereich Physik, Jungiusstraße 9, Hörsaal III
öffentliche Disputation
Two-Dimensional Crystals for Novel Nanoelectronics
Burkhard Sachs
16:00 Hamburg
Jungiusstr. 11, Mikrostrukturpausenraum
öffentliche Disputation
Static and Transient Capacitance Investigations on GaAs and InAs Quantum Dots
Jochen Kerbst
16:00 Zeuthen
Humboldt University | Raum 1'202 | Adlershof Campus | Newtonstrasse 15
Magnetic structure of the QCD phase diagram
Gergely Endrodi (DESY, Zeuthen)
16:30 Hamburg
Bldg. 2 a, SR 2
Theory Seminar
Triplet extension of the MSSM
Germano Nardini (DESY)
20:00 Hamburg
public lecture on the occaion of SXNS-13 -13th International Conference on Surface X-RAY
Shaken not Stirred! James Bond in the Focus of Physics
Metin Tolan (TU Dortmund)
08:00 -16:00 Hamburg
Geb. 1, Vorplatz u. Sportplatz
2. DESY-Gesundheitstag

09:00 Hamburg

SXNS-13 - 13th International Conference on Surface X-RAY and Neutron Scattering
10:00 -14:00 Zeuthen
SR 1 | SR 3 | Foyer

Gesundheitstag bei DESY in Zeuthen
11:30 Hamburg
Geb. 1, SR 1 (Übertragung nach Zeuthen)
2. DESY Gesundheitstag
Siegerehrung expedition <everbest>
15:00 Hamburg
Gebäude 1, SR 1 (Übertragung nach Zeuthen)
2. DESY-Gesundheitstag
Vortrag Medizinische Aspekte von Sport und Bewegung
Prof. Braumann (Uni Hamburg)
09:00 Hamburg

SXNS-13 - 13th International Conference on Surface X-RAY and Neutron Scattering
13.00 -14:00 Hamburg
Bldg. 1 b, seminar room 3 a
ALPS Seminar
Peculiarities of light scattering by structural inhomogeneities in hydrogen bonded liquids
Natali Kuzkova (University Kiew)
14:00 -15:00 Hamburg
CFEL Bldg. 99, seminar room IV, first floor
CFEL Theory Seminars
Atomistic wavefunction-based methods for the calculation of the optical and dynamical properties of nanostructures
Gabriel Bester (University of Hamburg, Physical Chemistry Department)
15:00 Hamburg
Geb. 2 a, SR 2
hochschulöffentliche Disputation
High-Energy Scattering in strongly coupled N=4 super Yang-Mills Theory
Martin Gerd Sprenger
09:00 Hamburg

SXNS-13 - 13th International Conference on Surface X-RAY and Neutron Scattering
16.00 -17:30 Hamburg
Jungiusstraße 9, Wolfgang Pauli-Hörsaal (Hörsaal I
hochschulöffentlicher Vortrag
Integrating Chemically Synthesized Nanostructures into Devices: Fabrication, Function, and Physics
Dr. August Dorn (Vorstellung von Habilitationsleistungen (gemäß § 7 der Habilitationsordnung des Fachbereichs Physik )
16:00 Zeuthen
SR 3
SU(2) ChiPT: low-energy constants from the lattice
Stefano Lottini | DESY
09:00 Hamburg

SXNS-13 - 13th International Conference on Surface X-RAY and Neutron Scattering
14:00 -15:00 Hamburg
CFEL, Bldg. 99
PIER Photon Science Colloquium
Earth and planetary interiors as seen by X-ray through diamond window
Leonid Dubrovinsky (GeoInstitut Bayreuth)
16:30 Hamburg
Jungiusstr. 11, Hörsaal AP
öffentliche Disputation
Sputter Deposition of Permalloy Nanostructures Optimized for Domain-Wall Depinning Experiments
Gesche Nahrwold