

Lectures and events at DESY

Current week « 13.04. - 19.04.2015 » Week | Month
16:30 Hamburg
SR 2, building 2a
Theory Seminar
Higgs mass and unnatural supersymmetry
Emanuele Bagnaschi (DESY)
15:00 Hamburg
Gebäude 61, Hörsaal der Universität
öffentliche Disputation
Small, Size-Selected and Deposited Clusters on Magnetic and Non-Magnetic 3d Transition Metal Surfaces
Torben Beeck (Alle Mitglieder des Fachbereichs Physik und der MIN Fakultät sind zu dieser Veranstaltung herzlich eingeladen.)
16:00 -18:30 Hamburg
Hörsaal Geb. 5, Foyer

DESY Campus Social Hour
16:45 Hamburg
Auditorium, building 5
Measuring Weak Boson Scattering with ATLAS
Marc-Andre Pleier (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
18:00 -22:00 Hamburg
Foyer CFEL, bldg. 99

Mentoring for Women in Natural Science
Kick-Off-Ceremony - registration needed (project is a joint venture of CUI, DESY, PIER Helmholtz Graduate School, SFB 676, SFB 925 and supported by the MIN-Faculty of the University of Hamburg)
11:30 -13:00 Hamburg
Building 01b, seminar room 4 a/b
ARD Lunch Seminar
Channeling, Volume Reflection, γ-Ray Production and Acceleration: The Potential of Crystals for Manipulating Electron Beams of High Energy and Intensity
Uli Wienands (SLAC)
14:00 Hamburg
CFEL, bldg. 99, SR I - III ground floor
CUI - Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium
Oxide Quasicrystals: New 2D Materials from Hyperspace??
Wolf Widdra (Institute of Physics, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg & MPI für Mikrostrukturphysik Halle)
14:30 -16:00 Hamburg
SR 2, building 2a
SFB 676 Lectures
Status and Perspectives of Early Universe Inflation (1/3)
Alexander Westphal (DESY)
15:00 Hamburg
SR 4, building 1b
Joint instrumentation seminar
Magnetic Micro-Calorimeters
Loredana Gastaldo