

Lectures and events at DESY

Current week « 10.11. - 16.11.2014 » Week | Month
11:00 -11:20 Hamburg
Bldg. 1, SR 1
LHC Physics Discussion: SM/QCD
Recent QCD results from ATLAS
Pavel Starovoitov (DESY)
11:20 -11:40 Hamburg
Bldg. 1, SR 1
LHC Physics Discussion: SM/QCD
Parton shower corrections and resummation effects in Drell-Yan processes
Samantha Dooling (DESY)
11:40 -12:00 Hamburg
Bldg. 1, SR 1
LHC Physics Discussion: SM/QCD
Dissecting Soft Radiation with Factorization
Frank Tackmann (DESY)
16:30 Hamburg
Building 2 a, SR 2
Theory Seminar
Vertices, operators and renormalization schemes
John Gracey (University of Liverpool)
14:00 -15:00 Hamburg
Building 1b, SR 4b
SFB676 Families & Careers in Physics
Inside out Science: Family and Career in Industry
Dr. Monika Marquart (Berenberg Bank)
16:30 -18:30 Hamburg
Auditorium, Building 5
HERA Symposium - Dienstagseminar
Recent Highlights from Experiment and Theory
Aharon Levy (Tel Aviv University), Robert Thorne (UCL), Alice Valkarova (Charles Univ., Prague), Charlotte Van Hulse (Univ. of the Basque Country)

11:00 -18:00 Hamburg
Auditorium, Building 5

HEPTech Academia - Industry Matching Event on High Energy Lasers
14:30 -15:30 Hamburg
Bldg. 2 a, SR 2
Theory Colloquium
The Higgs Enigma & Maximally Natural Supersymmetry
John March-Russel (Oxford University)
19:00 Hamburg
Hörsaal, Gebäude 5
öffentlicher Abendvortrag
50 Jahre schnelle Teilchen in Hamburg – Jubiläumsvorträge zum Betriebsstart von DESY - Das Spiel der Atome in Materie – Forschung mit Synchrotronlicht
Prof. Dr. Jochen R. Schneider (DESY-Photon-Science-Direktor 2000-2007 )
CFEL, building 99, SR I-III
internationales Symposium
The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging (CUI) International Symposium
09:00 -16.00 Hamburg
Auditorium, Building 5

HEPTech Academia - Industry Matching Event on High Energy Lasers
13:00 Hamburg
CEFL, bldg. 99 SR IV (01.111)
CFEL Seminar
Modulation of interface of metal oxide and semiconductive organic polymers using atomic layer deposition
Young Dok Kim (Dept. of Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Rep. of Korea)
14:15 -15:15 Hamburg
Bldg. 2 a, SR 2
String Theory Seminar
Supersymmetric partition functions and Twisted Holomorphic Theories
Guido Festuccia (NBI Copenhagen)

CEFL, Building 99, SR I-III
internationales Symposium
The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging" (CUI) International Symposium
14:00 -15:00 Hamburg
CFEL, Bldg. 99
PIER Photon Science Colloquium
Angular momentum resolved photoemission in one step: Recent developments in theory
Hubert Ebert (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
15:00 Hamburg
Building 1 b, SR 4 b
Instrumentation Seminar
CBM Silicon Tracking System
T. Balong

CFEL, Building 99, SR I-III
internationales Symposium
The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging" (CUI) International Symposium