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DESY News: Topping out ceremony for the Start-up Labs Bahrenfeld
News from the DESY research centre
Topping out ceremony for the Start-up Labs Bahrenfeld
A milestone for the innovation centre "Start-up Labs Bahrenfeld" has been achieved: This Monday, the topping-out wreath was installed. It marks the end of the shell construction phase. The new building on the DESY campus is located directly on Luruper Chaussee and will open the campus towards the north.
Katharina Fegebank, Hamburg Senator for Science and Research states: "High-tech start-ups need support and the right environment. It is our goal to create ideal conditions and facilities for young companies and knowledge-based cooperation projects between science and industry. Here, entrepreneurs can transfer new ideas and innovative products efficiently from universities and research labs into industrial applications. An ongoing knowledge transfer, as envisioned by the ‘Start-up Labs Bahrenfeld’ is important for economic and social progress and an essential part of our vision for the Science City Bahrenfeld".Even Innovation needs tradition, which is the reason for the traditional topping-out ceremony today.
"We are very glad that, the construction, despite all the restrictions during the recent months, has progressed without interruption. Especially right now, start-ups and young companies need support and a good infrastructure in order to achieve long-term success during economically challenging times”, said Arik Willner, Chief Technology Officer at DESY and Managing Director of the Innovationszentrum Forschungscampus Bahrenfeld GmbH, which is responsible for the construction and operation of the building.
Dieter Lenzen, President of the University of Hamburg, stated: "The Science City Bahrenfeld is moving forward. Currently, this includes the innovation centre ‘Start-up Labs Bahrenfeld’. At the university, we are very pleased about this and are looking forward to more cooperation projects with our local partners.”
The building shell will be closed within the next few weeks and the interior work will begin. Internal work and the complex laboratory infrastructure, including laser laboratories or electronics workshops, will be finished by next year. Start-up companies need this infrastructure for their high-tech products and services, such as robotics, laser systems or solutions based on novel nanomaterials.Almost all areas of the “Start- ups Labs Bahrenfeld” are already now reserved by Start-ups and young companies present on the DESY campus.
The innovation centre "Start-up Labs Bahrenfeld" is a joint project by DESY with the University of Hamburg, and the City of Hamburg. The "Start-up Labs Bahrenfeld" will further advance Hamburg’s innovation ecosystem with about 2,200 square meters office and laboratory space for rent to the start-ups and young high-tech companies corresponding to the research fields of the campus.
Further Information: https://www.desy.de/research/cooperations__institutes/innovation_centre