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Four strong research partners are working together at the Centre for X-ray and Nano Science: Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Kiel University, the Hamburg University of Technology and DESY. The centre provides them with excellent facilities for preparing samples for DESY’s X-ray sources. In addition, scientists can draw on complementary research techniques to make the best possible use of the research potential available on campus.
The CXNS is a centre for research using X-rays in combination with nano and material sciences. Research topics such as studying optimised materials for energy conversion processes, sensor technology, X-ray imaging techniques or scanning probe microscopy and nanostructuring are all brought together under the roof of CXNS.
The research platform GEMS (German Engineering Materials Science Centre) of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, the Ruprecht Haensel Laboratory – a long-standing and successful cooperation between Kiel University and DESY – and the DESY NanoLab all utilise the centre, with its concentration of high-tech instruments and extremely sensitive laboratory equipment, standing on ultralow-vibration individual foundations inside the building. The CXNS provides ideal conditions for structuring, preparing, characterising and labelling nanosamples. The delicate samples can be moved directly to the neighbouring experimental halls at PETRA III, FLASH or the European XFEL in order to be studied there.