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Time Conversion

    The variables of the Cosmic@Web data sets are given per hour. The "time" variable is the time in seconds since the 1.1.2010 at 00:00 UTC.
    In the following it will be shown how to transform seconds into the standard date and time units using the relations:
    1 minute = 60 seconds
    1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds
    1 day = 24 hours = 86400 seconds
    1 year = 365 or 366 days = 31536000 or 31622400 seconds

    Example: Calculate the date and time for the variable time = 165500000 s
    Estimate the year:
    165500000 / 31536000 = 5 years with a rest of 7820000 s.
    The year is then: 5 + 2010 = 2015.

    Estimate the day using the rest value:
    But pay attention! Between 2010 und 2015 is with 2012 a leap year. Therefore one has to subtract 1 day from the rest value. Then the number of days is
    (7820000 - (1 * 86400)) / 86400 = 89 days with a rest of 44000 s.
    Since the year starts with day 1, it is the 90. day of the year 2015 in the which corresponds to the 31.03.2015.

    Estimate the time (hh:mm:ss):
    hh: 44000 / 3600 = 12 hours with the rest of 800 s.
    mm: 800 : 60 = 13 minutes with a rest of 20 s.

    The variable time = 165500000 s corresponds to the UTC time: 31.03.2015 at 12:13:20.


      Trigger conditions are used to select wanted and to suppress unwanted signals. The conditions are defined in the computer program and realized by the data acquisition card (DAQ) were the electronics signals will be interlinked.

      With the DAQ cards used in our experiments two types of trigger conditions can be selected: The definition of the signal threshold for the corresponding channel guarantees that only signals above the threshold will be accepted. Another possibility is to require that the signals of different electronics channels have to appear in a defined short time window. This coincidence requirement allows to exclude fake signals by electronics noise and/or to select particles of a special direction or particle showers.