Prev: sectiontype-and-ref Up: Sectioning Top: Top GNU Info node specifications with `\section<n>'

[APRIL91: Don't overlook the new ideas in section See revised-sectioning.]

When making an on-line Info document from a literate program, the text between two sectioning commands is turned into an Info node. Moreover, the sectioning commands are used to determine how the nodes should be linked together -- almost always in the hierarchical structure implied by the sectioning. However, you can tweak the process as much as you wish (almost no-one ever wishes...).

Each `\section<n>' command may have an optional "node specification", with which you may specify the name of the Info node and how it should be linked to other nodes. For common practice, I recommend giving a (unique) node name and enjoying the default links; for example:

Besides serving as the node name, `Foo-Sem' will also be a LaTeX `\label' and may be `\ref''d or `\pageref''d: for example, you could say, "The semantics are given in section~\ref{Foo_Sem}". (This is more likely to work than introducing a `\label' of your own and `\ref''ing that.)

Node names must not contain commas (and other unpleasant characters I don't want to think about) and spaces are probably asking for trouble.

The next example shows the general form for a node specification, in which you want to specify all of a node's links by hand:(1)

A `?' may be given for any of the four node-names; then the default is used: Any text before the first `\section' command goes in node `Top', which has node specification "`Top,,,(dir)'".

The recommended form `\section[Foo-Sem]{Foo Semantics}' is just short for `\section1[Foo-Sem,?,?,?]{Foo Semantics}'.

Additional Info nodes that are unrelated to sectioning commands may be added with the `\node' command. [Note: not well tested.]

If you want a LaTeX-style sectioning command (e.g., to specify a table-of-contents entry), use `onlyinfo' and `onlylatex' environments.

---------- Footnotes ----------

(1) Ignore the rest of this section unless you enjoy pain -- it presumes some familiarity with Texinfo/Info specifics; see `info info' and/or `info texinfo'.