Next: Monte Carlo Simulations Using
Up: Leading Order Parton Shower
Previous: Leading Order Parton Shower
In the Monte Carlo simulations based on the DGLAP evolution,
collinear factorization of the parton density
distributions and the hard matrix elements is assumed.
In the DGLAP approximation the evolution from the partons
density distributions leads to a strong ordering of
radiated partons in transverse momentum
The matrix elements are evaluated at leading order and
effects from higher orders are mimicked using
parton showers (PS) which are radiated from the initial and
final state partons using a soft collinear approximation.
The acronym LO+PS is generally used to indicate programs that
implement the combination of leading order matrix
elements with parton showers.
- The PYTHIA Monte Carlo generator [108]
implements a number of different approaches to calculate
cross sections and distributions.
For the simulation of heavy quark production in
most commonly, PYTHIA is used in the massive mode in which
quarks are generated dynamically using the boson-gluon fusion process.
Alternatively, PYTHIA can be used in an inclusive mode in which direct
and resolved events are generated using massless matrix elements for all
quark flavours. Many analysis have confirmed that PYTHIA describes the
shapes of event distributions in photoproduction impressively well.
In contrast, the
distribution in electroproduction is, for most
parameter choices, poorly described.
- The RAPGAP Monte Carlo generator [124]
produces events using the massive approach.
In contrast to older event generators, such as DJANGO [126]
or AROMA [103], it provides a correct treatment of the
diffractive contribution of inclusive scattering which makes up about
10% of the cross section.
RAPGAP is interfaced with the program HERACLES [127]
which simulates QED initial and final state radiation.
- AROMA [103] is a program to simulate
the production of heavy quarks in the direct
photon-gluon fusion process in
AROMA does not include the generation
of cross section contributions from resolved photon processes,
and is thus of limited use for the photoproduction, and possibly the low-
at HERA.
- HERWIG [125] is a general purpose physics event
generator which includes the simulation of hard lepton-lepton, lepton-hadron
and hadron-hadron scattering and soft hadron-hadron collisions in one package.
HERWIG implements the cluster hadronization approach to describe the
fragmentation of quarks into hadrons via non-perturbative gluon splitting.
The colored objects in the final state are combined to color-singlet
clusters which are subsequently fragmented into hadrons.
Next: Monte Carlo Simulations Using
Up: Leading Order Parton Shower
Previous: Leading Order Parton Shower
Andreas Meyer