The primary components of the H1 tracking system
are two coaxial cylindrical jet-type drift chambers (CJC)
covering the polar angle region between 15 and 165
The two chambers consist of 30 (60) drift cells
respectively with 24 (32) sense wires each strung parallel to the beam axis.
The sense wires are read out at
both ends, and the
-coordinate is measured by charge division with a
-resolution of
The spatial resolution of the CJC in
plane is
The momentum resolution in the
plane transverse to the 1.2 Tesla solenoidal field is
The magnetic field is produced by a 5 m long
superconducting solenoid of 5.8 m in diameter which
encloses the calorimeter.
Two further inner drift chambers and two multiwire proportional
chambers (MWPC) serve to measure the longitudinal track
coordinates and to provide trigger information.
A Central
Silicon Track detector (CST) [140] is situated
around the beam pipe, consisting of two 36 cm long
concentric cylindrical layers of double-sided
silicon strip detectors,
at radii of mm and
mm from the beam axis.
The CST covers a pseudo-rapidity range of
for tracks passing through both layers.
The double-sided silicon detectors
provide resolutions of 12
m in
and 25
m in
Average hit efficiencies are 97% (92%) in
For a central track with CST
hits in both layers,
the transverse distance of closest approach
of the track
to the nominal vertex in
can be measured with a resolution of
, where the first
term represents the intrinsic resolution (including alignment
uncertainties) and the second term is
the contribution
from multiple scattering in the beam pipe and the CST;
is the transverse momentum of the track.
The Forward Tracking Detectors cover a polar angular range between
. The system consists of three supermodules
composed of three planar drift chambers, a multiwire proportional chamber,
a transition radiator and a radial drift chamber.
The MWPCs serve for trigger purposes and
complement the polar angular coverage of the
central proportional chambers.
The H1 main calorimeter employs a fine-grain liquid argon (LAr)
sandwich structure in the barrel and forward (proton-beam) region
(with angular range from 4
to 155
in polar angle).
In the backward region
(with angular range from 155
to 177.5
a lead/scintillating-fiber calorimeter [141]
provides an excellent energy resolution of
and a time resolution better than 1 ns.
The electromagnetic section of the liquid argon calorimeter
uses lead plates as absorber material. In the hadronic section
(which provides a depth of
nuclear interaction lengths)
steel plates are used.
In total there are 31,000 electromagnetic and 14,000 hadronic
readout channels, segmented longitudinally and tranverse to
the shower direction.
The electromagnetic LAr calorimeter achieves an energy resolution of
The high degree of segmentation allows for a distinction
between hadronic and electromagnetic energy depositions in the offline
reconstruction, resulting in a hadronic energy resolution of
Muons are identified as minimum
ionizing particles in both the calorimeters and in the
iron magnetic field return yoke surrounding the magnetic coil.
The iron system is instrumented with 16 layers of limited-streamer
tubes of 1 cm cell size. Altogether the muon system
consists of
Up to five out of 16 layers are used for triggering.
In order to provide a two-dimensional track measurement
five of the 16 layers are equipped in addition with strip
electrodes glued perpendicular to the sense wire direction.
The H1 trigger and readout system consists of four
levels of hardware and software filtering.
Three of these layers, the first (L1) and second (L2) level trigger
and the asynchronous online filtering (L4) - were operated in HERA-I.
The third level is prepared to be used by the H1 Fast Track Trigger
system (described in section 7.1.5).
The L1 system is phase-locked to the HERA accelerator
clock signal of 10.4 MHz and provides a trigger decision for
each bunch crossing after 2.3 s.
The subdetector systems feed data into front-end pipelines and
generate fast information (trigger elements) about general
properties of the event. The trigger elements are sent to the central
trigger logic which makes decisions on the basis of 128 logical combinations
of these trigger elements. The L1 decisions are then validated
by the second level trigger allowing 20
s for the decision.
The L2 trigger system implements
conditions on topological properties of the events.
Neural nets are used to combine information from several
detector components.
The subdetector data are read out asynchronously
by the central data acquisition electronics and fed into the
software filter (L4). The reading of events from the front-end
buffers takes about 1.2 ms, during which no new events can be recorded.
This dead-time is inherent to the architecture of the read-out electronics.
At a typical L4-input rate of 50 Hz the dead-time is about
In the L4 software filter the events are fully
reconstructed and classified in different physics categories
and monitoring channels. The reconstruction of a physics event
typically requires 200 ms.
Events classified as physics as well as
monitor events are permanently stored at a typical rate of 5 to 10
events per second.