ZAUVF1 : Vertex Fit 1 ZAUVF2 : Vertex FIT 2 ZAURST : Reject STrange particle decay products ZAUSTP : STrange particle decay Product ZAUCIP : Calculate Impact Parameter ZAUIMP : IMPact parameter ZAUPRN : PaReNts ZAUSHO : SHOWer merging ZAUSDI : Shower DIstance ZAUCSS : Collect Shower Statistics-counters ZAUSIC : Shower particle Id and Charge assignment ZAUCSH : Charged part to SHower association ZAUPFL : Particle-FLow ZAUCLU : Do jet clustering ZAUJSF : JetSet commons Fill ZAUJID : Jet IDentity ZAUSPH : SPHericity ZAUTHR : THRust ZAUFWO : Fox-WOlfram moments. ZAUBOS : BOosted Sphericity
To access the geometry of the detector, resolutions and thresholds of sub-detectors and the like, there are a set of access routines to the geometry description, accessing the data via the user-assigned name of the sub-detectors:
ZTDTGE for geometry parameters, ZTDTPM for parameters governing the position measurement, ZTCSEP for parameters governing the calorimeter energy measurement, and ZTCMPA for parameters governing the calorimeter measurement of minimum ionising particles. ZTDTLL returns the set of layers that corresponds to a given name (the name can have wild-cards). ZAUNHT counts the number of layers in a sub-detector that a track went through, and ZAUDHL returns a set of those layers.
The two routines ZAUINI and ZAZERC can be used to do additional
initialisation. ZAUINI will be called at the beginning of the run,
and ZAZERC at the beginning of each event. (Read "ZERo Counters",
since that's typically what you want to do at each event). Note
that ZAZERC is called from ZAUSER, so the user must take care of
calling it. ZAUINI, on the other hand, is automatically called.