Using column-wise ntuples
As mentioned in xxx,
the method used write to root used in sgvuser.F95 works for
histograms and row-wise ntuples, but not for column-wis ones.
In SGV_DIR/samples, the program sgvopt.F95 contains an example on how to
use column-wise ntuples. Copy this program to your private area, and compile it with
cresgvexe merge sgvopt
(possiby adding any generator-selecting -D-flag as argument 3).
Make sure that the directive CWN is set to .TRUE. in the steering file (NOT the
default), and that USE_HISTOS is .TRUE. (which is the default).
Also make sure that fort.99 is NOT linked to an exsisting root-file:
root becomes very upset if that would be the case.
The root-tree created and filled by running sgvopt.exe is a quite complete set of
the information SGV has about the event, both true and seen, also containing
high-level objects like jets and fitted vertecies.
sgvopt.F95 is therefor either already sufficient for your root-based analysis
or a good starting-point for developpment.