Calorimeter cluster module ZACLU

This module contains the information on clusters in the calorimeters. A cluster can just simply be a copy of the shower information in ZATRS (for an isolated shower), or the combination of several close showers. In that case, the momentum and energy of the cluster is the sum on the participating showers, and the cluster-axis is the weighted mean on the individual axes. Note that a summing of energy or momentum in this common and ZATRS will yield double-counting.

This block is filled by a call to ZAUSHO, ZAUPSC or ZUAPFL

MODULE zaclu
  USE zasiz

  INTEGER :: clust             ! main pointer (always  use it when you loop
                               ! in this common)
   pveclu(:,:),&               ! 4-Momentum of cluster.
                               ! 1-3 : p
                               ! 4   : E
                               ! 5   : m (always =0.0)
   cluax(:,:),&                ! Cluster axis & start point.
                               !  1 : Rphi of shower start (barrel), or
                               !        x   "    "     "   (forward)
                               !  2 :   z  of shower start (barrel), or
                               !        y   "    "     "   (forward)
                               !  3 : Theta of shower axis
                               !  4 : Phi   "     "     "
   ctypcl(:)                   ! Number of the calorimeter seeing the
                               ! cluster. CTYP > 0 for barrel calorimeters,
                               ! < 0 for forward ones.
   nshicl(:),&                 ! Number of showers in cluster.
   cluorin(:,:,:),&            ! list of showers in cluster,
                               ! given as the corresponding value(s)
                               ! of TRACK and shower # in /ZATRS/&
           trmain(:),&         ! For charged clusters, points to the
                               ! TRACK in /ZATRS/ that has the highest
                               ! momentum of those pointing to the
                               ! cluster (is = 0 for neutral clusters)
                               ! An easy way to avoid double-counting
                               ! of calorimetric energy ,is to assign
                               ! the cluster only to this track, even
                               ! if several charged tracks points to it.
           cdclu(:),&          ! Particle Id code of cluster:
                               ! (as LUND code). The default assignment
                               ! is as follows :
                               !        EM calorimeter   Had. calorimeter
                               !            shower           shower
                               ! At least
                               ! one charged
                               ! track points e+-            pi+-
                               ! to cluster
                               ! No charged
                               ! track points
                               ! to cluster   gamma          K0_L
   chaclu(:),&                 ! Charge assignment of cluster:
                               !  0, if no charged track pointing to it;
                               !  +-1, if at least one charged track is
                               !  pointing to it (if more than one, the
                               !  sign is that of the last one in the
                               !  CLUORI array).
   jetnbc(:),&                 ! Jet number of this cluster,& 
                               !  assigned if ZAUCLU was called,& 
                               !  with the option to use the cluster
                               !  information as information on
                               !  neutrals.
   cluori(:,:)                 ! list of showers in cluster,& 
                               ! given as the corresponding value(s)
                               ! of TRACKS with their most energetic
                               ! shower in the cluster
                               ! (kept for backward compability.
                               !  will be remoed)
   INTEGER ::&
   nfclu,&                     ! number of clusters in the forward
                               ! calorimeters
   nbclu                       ! number of clusters in the barrel
                               ! calorimeters