Jet information module ZAJET

Filled if ZAUCLU is called. Note that not all words are filled (in particular the arrays with momenta of tracks in jets and their counters are not). These words are marked by a *.

Always use the variable IJET as a pointer in this common-block (as loop index or otherwise)

MODULE zajet
  USE zasiz
  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mxtrk = 5000
  REAL :: jettyp(maxjet),&  ! jettype (LUND flavour code, -ve if it is
                            ! a jet that contains tracks from  a
                            ! heavy flavour decay, but there is another
                            ! jet that contains more tracks from the
                            ! same decay, ie. if the jet is a 'minority
                            ! h.f. jet')
   thjet(maxjet),&          ! theta
   phijet(maxjet),&         ! phi
   pjet(5,maxjet),&         ! momentum,E, and mass of jets
   ejetc(maxjet),&          ! charged Energy of jet
   ejetn(maxjet),&          ! neutral Energy of jet
   pijet(mxtrk,maxjet),&   !*momenta of all particles in the jet
   mxp(maxjet),&            !*max momentum of any particle in the jet
   hf1dec(3,maxjet),&       !+1:st heavy flavour decay point
   hf2dec(3,maxjet),&       !+sec. heavy flavour decay point
   hfchp(4,maxjet),&        !+sum p of decay-products of h.f.
   hfp1(maxjet),&           !+1:st heavy flavour momentum
   hfp2(maxjet)             !+sec. heavy flavour momentum
  INTEGER :: ijet,&         ! Main pointer in this common. Always use it
                            ! when referring to jets
   njtrk(maxjet),&          ! number of particles in the jet
   njtrkc(maxjet),&         ! number of charged particles in the jet
   njtrkn(maxjet),&         ! number of neutral particles in the jet
   pijetp(mxtrk,maxjet),&  !*x-reference between PIJET array and ZATRS
                            ! common.
   mtrclo(maxjet),&         !*tracks in primary, or from close sec. vert.
   ntrver(maxjet),&         !*tracks in prim. vertex in this jet
   mxpj(maxjet),&           !*pointer in ZATRS to track w/ highest p in
                            ! jet.
   jetfl,&                  ! (second jet-flavour algorithm, not used)
   dc1(maxjet),&            !+decay-class of 1:st h.f.  decay
   dc2(maxjet),&            !+decay-class of 2:nd h.f.  decay
   nhfp(maxjet)             !+number of h.f.  decay products