Displaced decay-vertex information in module ZAPRN

Information on 'flying' decayed particles, ie. generally weakly decayed particles, that can be seen as secondary vertices. This common block is filled by a call to ZAUPRN

MODULE zaprn
  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxdec=100  ! Max Number of 'flying' decayed particles
  INTEGER :: ndec,&                ! Number of 'flying' decayed
                                   ! particles
             deccl(maxdec),&       ! class of decay (cf /ZATRS/)
             jetdec(maxdec),&      ! Jet that first decay product
                                   ! belongs to
             panc(maxdec),&        ! Ultimate ancestor of particle.
             pparnb(maxdec),&      ! Pointer to parents of decayed
                                   ! particles.
             kidnb(maxdec,maxdec),&! Pointer to kids in /ZATRS/&
                                   ! (stable kids)
             pkidnb(maxdec,maxdec) ! Pointer to kids in /ZAPRN/ itself
                                   ! (unstable kids)
  REAL :: pdec(maxdec),&           ! Momentum decayed particle
          rdecp(maxdec),&          ! Radius of decay
          nprod(maxdec),&          ! Number of stable decay-products
          pnprod(maxdec),&         ! Number of unstable decay-products
          prodv(3,maxdec),&        ! decay-point
          pchp(4,maxdec)           ! sum of true 4-momentum of decay
                                   ! products