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hbook.h File Reference

#include "jbltools/kinfit/ftypes.h"

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struct  HCFITDType
struct  QUESTType


void hbook1_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chtitl, FInteger *nx, FReal *xmi, FReal *xma, FReal *vmx, FStrLength chtitl_length)
void hbook2_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chtitl, FInteger *nx, FReal *xmi, FReal *xma, FInteger *ny, FReal *ymi, FReal *yma, FReal *vmx, FStrLength chtitl_length)
void hfill_ (FInteger *id, FReal *x, FReal *y, FReal *weight)
void histdo_ ()
void hprint_ (FInteger *id)
void hcopy_ (FInteger *id1, FInteger *id2, const FCharacter *chtitl, FStrLength chtitl_length)
void hcopypr_ (FInteger *id1, FInteger *id2, const FCharacter *chtitl, FInteger *ibinx1, FInteger *ibinx2, FInteger *ibiny1, FInteger *ibiny2, FStrLength chtitl_length)
void hrenid_ (FInteger *idold, FInteger *idnew)
void hreset_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chtitl, FStrLength chtitl_length)
void hdelet_ (FInteger *id)
void hbookn_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chtitl, FInteger *nvar, const FCharacter *chrzpa, FInteger *nwbuff, const FCharacter *chtags, FStrLength chtitl_length, FStrLength chrzpa_length, FStrLength chtags_length)
void hfn_ (FInteger *id, const FReal x[])
void hfnov_ (FInteger *id, const FReal x[])
void hbnt_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chfile, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chfile_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hbset_ (const FCharacter *chopt, FInteger *ival, FInteger *ierr, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hbname_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chblok, FInteger *variable, const FCharacter *chform, FStrLength chblok_length, FStrLength chform_length)
void hbnamc_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chblok, FInteger *variable, const FCharacter *chform, FStrLength chblok_length, FStrLength chform_length)
void hnform_ (const FCharacter *chform, const FCharacter *chname, FInteger *ldim, const FCharacter *chtype, FReal *xlow, FReal *xhigh, FStrLength chform_length, FStrLength chname_length, FStrLength chtype_length)
void hbooknc_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chtitl, FInteger *nvar, const FCharacter *block, FReal *tuple, const FCharacter *chtags, FStrLength chtitl_length, FStrLength block_length, FStrLength chtags_length)
void hfnt_ (FInteger *id)
void hfntb_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chblok, FStrLength chblok_length)
void hprnt_ (FInteger *id)
void hrecov_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hproj1_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *idn, FInteger *isel, FReal fun(const FReal[], FInteger *), FInteger *ifrom, FInteger *ito, FInteger *ivarx)
void hproj2_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *idn, FInteger *isel, FReal fun(const FReal[], FInteger *), FInteger *ifrom, FInteger *ito, FInteger *ivarx, FInteger *ivary)
void hgiven_ (FInteger *id, FCharacter *chtitl, FInteger *nvar, FCharacter *chtag, FReal rlow[], FReal rhigh[], FStrLength chtitl_length, FStrLength chtag_length)
void hgn_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *idn, FInteger *idnevt, FReal x[], FInteger *ierror)
void hgnpar_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chrout, FStrLength chrout_length)
void hgnf_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *idnevt, FReal x[], FInteger *ierror)
void hgnt_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *idnevt, FInteger *ierr)
void hgntb_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chblok, FInteger *irow, FInteger *ierr, FStrLength chblok_length)
void hgntv_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chvar, FInteger *nvar, FInteger *irow, FInteger *ierr, FStrLength chvar_length)
void hgntf_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *irow, FInteger *ierr)
void huwfun_ (FInteger *lun, FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chfun, FInteger *itrunc, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chfun_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hntdup_ (FInteger *id1, FInteger *id2, FInteger *newbuf, const FCharacter *chtitl, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chtitl_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hrename_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chold, const FCharacter *chnew, FStrLength chold_length, FStrLength chnew_length)
void hconvol_ (FInteger *id1, FInteger *id2, FInteger *id3, FInteger *ierror)
void hbookb_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chtitl, FInteger *ncx, const FReal xbins[], FReal *vmx, FStrLength chtitl_length)
void hbprof_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chtitl, FInteger *ncx, FReal *xlow, FReal *xup, FReal *ymin, FReal *ymax, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chtitl_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hbinsz_ (const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hbpro_ (FInteger *id, FReal *vmx)
void hbprox_ (FInteger *id, FReal *vmx)
void hbproy_ (FInteger *id, FReal *vmx)
void hbandx_ (FInteger *id, FReal *ymi, FReal *yma, FReal *vmx)
void hbandy_ (FInteger *id, FReal *xmi, FReal *xma, FReal *vmx)
void hbslix_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *nsli, FReal *vmx)
void hbsliy_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *nsli, FReal *vmx)
void hbarx_ (FInteger *id)
void hbary_ (FInteger *id)
void hbar2_ (FInteger *id)
void hbfun1_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chtitl, FInteger *nx, FReal *xmi, FReal *xma, FReal fun(const FReal *), FStrLength chtitl_length)
void hbfun2_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chtitl, FInteger *nx, FReal *xmi, FReal *xma, FInteger *ny, FReal *ymi, FReal *yma, FReal fun(const FReal *, const FReal *), FStrLength chtitl_length)
void hfunc_ (FInteger *id, FReal fun(const FReal *))
void harray_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *nwords, FInteger *loc)
void hlabel_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *nlab, FCharacter *clab, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chlab_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hf1_ (FInteger *id, FReal *x, FReal *weight)
void hf1e_ (FInteger *id, FReal *x, FReal *weight, FReal *errors)
void hf2_ (FInteger *id, FReal *x, FReal *y, FReal *weight)
void hff1_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *nid, FReal *x, FReal *weight)
void hff2_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *nid, FReal *x, FReal *y, FReal *weight)
void hfpak1_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *nid, const FReal v[], FInteger *n)
void hipak1_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *nid, const FInteger iv[], FInteger *n)
void hpak_ (FInteger *id, const FReal conten[])
void hpakad_ (FInteger *id, const FReal conten[])
void hpake_ (FInteger *id, const FReal errors[])
void hfc1_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *ibin, const FCharacter *clab, FReal *w, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chlab_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hfc2_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *ibinx, const FCharacter *clabx, FInteger *ibiny, const FCharacter *claby, FReal *w, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chlabx_length, FStrLength chlaby_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hindex_ ()
void htitle_ (const FCharacter *chgtit, FInteger chgtit_length)
void hidopt_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hstaf_ (const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hpchar_ (const FCharacter *chopt, FCharacter *charac, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hbigbi_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *ncol)
void hmaxim_ (FInteger *id, FReal *fmax)
void hminim_ (FInteger *id, FReal *fmin)
void hcompa_ (const FInteger idvect[], FInteger *n)
void hnorma_ (FInteger *id, FReal *xnorm)
void hscale_ (FInteger *id, FReal *factor)
void hsquez_ (const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hpagsz_ (FInteger *nlines)
void hphist_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *choice, FInteger *num, FStrLength choice_length)
void hprot_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *choice, FInteger *num, FStrLength choice_length)
void hpscat_ (FInteger *id)
void hptab_ (FInteger *id)
void hphs_ (FInteger *id)
void hphst_ (FInteger *id)
void hponce_ ()
void houtpu_ (FInteger *lout)
void hermes_ (FInteger *lerr)
FLogical hexist_ (FInteger *id)
void hid1_ (FInteger idvect[], FInteger *n)
void hid2_ (FInteger idvect[], FInteger *n)
void hidall_ (FInteger idvect[], FInteger *n)
void hnoent_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *noent)
void hkind_ (FInteger *id, FInteger kind[], const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hunpak_ (FInteger *id, FReal conten[], const FCharacter *choice, FInteger *num, FStrLength choice_length)
FReal hi_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *i)
FReal hij_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *i, FInteger *j)
FReal hx_ (FInteger *id, FReal *x)
FReal hxy_ (FInteger *id, FReal *x, FReal *y)
void hunpke_ (FInteger *id, FReal conten[], const FCharacter *choice, FInteger *num, FStrLength choice_length)
FReal hie_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *i)
FReal hije_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *i, FInteger *j)
FReal hxe_ (FInteger *id, FReal *x)
FReal hxye_ (FInteger *id, FReal *x, FReal *y)
FReal hif_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *i)
FReal hxi_ (FInteger *id, FReal *x, FInteger *i)
FReal hxyij_ (FInteger *id, FReal *x, FReal *y, FInteger *i, FInteger *j)
FReal hix_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *i, FReal *x)
FReal hijxy_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *i, FInteger *j, FReal *x, FReal *y)
FReal hmax_ (FInteger *id)
FReal hmin_ (FInteger *id)
void hrebin_ (FInteger *id, FReal x[], FReal y[], FReal ex[], FReal ey[], FInteger *n, FInteger *ifirst, FInteger *ilast)
FReal hsum_ (FInteger *id)
FReal hdump_ (FInteger *id)
void hgive_ (FInteger *id, FCharacter chtitl[80], FInteger *nx, FReal *xmi, FReal *xma, FInteger *ny, FReal *ymi, FReal *yma, FInteger *nwt, FInteger *loc, FStrLength chtitl_length)
FReal hstati_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *icase, const FCharacter *choice, FInteger *num, FStrLength choice_length)
void hopera_ (FInteger *id1, const FCharacter *choper, FInteger *id2, FInteger *id3, FReal *c1, FReal *c2, FStrLength choper_length)
void hdiff_ (FInteger *id1, FInteger *id2, FReal *prob, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hdiffb_ (FInteger *id1, FInteger *id2, FReal *tol, FInteger *nbins, const FCharacter *chopt, FInteger *nbad, FReal diff[], FStrLength chopt_length)
void hfith_ (FInteger *id, FReal fun(FReal *), const FCharacter *chopt, FInteger *np, FReal param[], const FReal step[], const FReal pmin[], const FReal pmax[], FReal sigpar[], FReal *chi2, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hfitn_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chfun, const FCharacter *chopt, FInteger *np, FReal param[], const FReal step[], const FReal pmin[], const FReal pmax[], FReal sigpar[], FReal *chi2, FStrLength chfun_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hfitv_ (FInteger *n, FInteger *ndim, FInteger *nvar, const FReal x[], const FReal y[], const FReal ey[], FReal fun(FReal *), const FCharacter *chopt, FInteger *np, FReal param[], const FReal step[], const FReal pmin[], const FReal pmax[], FReal sigpar[], FReal *chi2, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hfinam_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chpnam, FInteger *npar, FStrLength chpnam_length)
void hgfit_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *nfpar, FInteger *npfits, FReal *fitchi, FReal fitpar[], FReal fitsig[], FCharacter *fitnam, FStrLength fitnam_length)
void hderiv_ (FReal deriv[])
void hparam_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *ic, FReal *r2min, const FInteger maxpow[], FInteger iterm[], FInteger *nco, FReal8 coeff[])
void hsetpr_ (const FCharacter *chname, FReal *value, FStrLength chname_length)
void hparmn_ (const FReal x[], const FReal y[], const FReal ey[], FInteger *np, FInteger *nvar, FInteger *ic, FReal *r2min, const FInteger maxpow[], FReal8 coeff[], FInteger iterm[], FInteger *nco)
void hsmoof_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *icase, FReal *chi2)
void hspli1_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *ic, FInteger *n, FInteger *k, FReal *chi2)
void hspli2_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *nx, FInteger *ny, FInteger *kx, FInteger *ky)
FReal hspfun_ (FInteger *id, FReal *x, FInteger *n, FInteger *k)
void hquad_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chopt, FInteger *mode, FReal *sensit, FReal *smooth, FInteger *nsig, FReal *chisq, FInteger *ndf, FReal *fmin, FReal *fmax, FInteger *ierr, FStrLength chopt_length)
FReal hrndm1_ (FInteger *id)
void hrndm2_ (FInteger *id, FReal *rx, FReal *ry)
void hmcmll_ (FInteger *idd, const FInteger idm[], const FInteger idw[], FInteger *nsrc, const FCharacter *chopt, const FInteger ifix[], const FReal frc[], const FReal flim[][2], const FReal start[], const FReal step[], FReal *up, FReal par[], FReal dpar[], FStrLength chopt_length)
void hmcini_ (FInteger *iddata, const FInteger idmc[], const FInteger idwt[], FInteger *nsrc, const FCharacter *chopt, FInteger *ierr, FStrLength chopt_length)
FReal8 hmclnl_ (const FReal frac[])
void hlimit_ (FInteger *npaw)
void hlocat_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *loc)
void hmdir_ (const FCharacter *chpath, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chpath_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hcdir_ (const FCharacter *chpath, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chpath_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hldir_ (const FCharacter *chpath, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chpath_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hddir_ (const FCharacter *chpath, FStrLength chpath_length)
void hpdir_ (const FCharacter *chpath, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chpath_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hlnext_ (FInteger *idh, FCharacter *chtype, FCharacter *chtitl, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chtype_length, FStrLength chtitl_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hrdir_ (FInteger *maxdir, FCharacter *chdir, FInteger *ndir, FStrLength chdir_length)
void hrput_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chfile, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chfile_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hrget_ (FInteger *id, const FCharacter *chfile, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chfile_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hropen_ (FInteger *lun, const FCharacter *chtop, const FCharacter *chfile, const FCharacter *chopt, FInteger *lrec, FInteger *istat, FStrLength chtop_length, FStrLength chfile_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hrfile_ (FInteger *lun, const FCharacter *chtop, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chtop_length, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hrout_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *icycle, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hrin_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *icycle, FInteger *ioffset)
void hmerge_ (FInteger *nfiles, const FCharacter *chfin, const FCharacter *chfout, FStrLength chfin_length, FStrLength chfout_length)
void hmergin_ ()
void hscr_ (FInteger *id, FInteger *icycle, const FCharacter *chopt, FStrLength chopt_length)
void hrend_ (const FCharacter *chtop, FStrLength chtop_length)


HCFITDType hcfitd_
QUESTType quest_

Function Documentation

void harray_ FInteger id,
FInteger nwords,
FInteger loc

void hbandx_ FInteger id,
FReal ymi,
FReal yma,
FReal vmx

void hbandy_ FInteger id,
FReal xmi,
FReal xma,
FReal vmx

void hbar2_ FInteger id  ) 

void hbarx_ FInteger id  ) 

void hbary_ FInteger id  ) 

void hbfun1_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chtitl,
FInteger nx,
FReal xmi,
FReal xma,
FReal   fun(const FReal *),
FStrLength  chtitl_length

void hbfun2_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chtitl,
FInteger nx,
FReal xmi,
FReal xma,
FInteger ny,
FReal ymi,
FReal yma,
FReal   fun(const FReal *, const FReal *),
FStrLength  chtitl_length

void hbigbi_ FInteger id,
FInteger ncol

void hbinsz_ const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hbnamc_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chblok,
FInteger variable,
const FCharacter chform,
FStrLength  chblok_length,
FStrLength  chform_length

void hbname_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chblok,
FInteger variable,
const FCharacter chform,
FStrLength  chblok_length,
FStrLength  chform_length

void hbnt_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chfile,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chfile_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hbook1_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chtitl,
FInteger nx,
FReal xmi,
FReal xma,
FReal vmx,
FStrLength  chtitl_length

void hbook2_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chtitl,
FInteger nx,
FReal xmi,
FReal xma,
FInteger ny,
FReal ymi,
FReal yma,
FReal vmx,
FStrLength  chtitl_length

void hbookb_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chtitl,
FInteger ncx,
const FReal  xbins[],
FReal vmx,
FStrLength  chtitl_length

void hbookn_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chtitl,
FInteger nvar,
const FCharacter chrzpa,
FInteger nwbuff,
const FCharacter chtags,
FStrLength  chtitl_length,
FStrLength  chrzpa_length,
FStrLength  chtags_length

Referenced by hbookn().

void hbooknc_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chtitl,
FInteger nvar,
const FCharacter block,
FReal tuple,
const FCharacter chtags,
FStrLength  chtitl_length,
FStrLength  block_length,
FStrLength  chtags_length

void hbpro_ FInteger id,
FReal vmx

void hbprof_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chtitl,
FInteger ncx,
FReal xlow,
FReal xup,
FReal ymin,
FReal ymax,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chtitl_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hbprox_ FInteger id,
FReal vmx

void hbproy_ FInteger id,
FReal vmx

void hbset_ const FCharacter chopt,
FInteger ival,
FInteger ierr,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hbslix_ FInteger id,
FInteger nsli,
FReal vmx

void hbsliy_ FInteger id,
FInteger nsli,
FReal vmx

void hcdir_ const FCharacter chpath,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chpath_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hcompa_ const FInteger  idvect[],
FInteger n

void hconvol_ FInteger id1,
FInteger id2,
FInteger id3,
FInteger ierror

void hcopy_ FInteger id1,
FInteger id2,
const FCharacter chtitl,
FStrLength  chtitl_length

void hcopypr_ FInteger id1,
FInteger id2,
const FCharacter chtitl,
FInteger ibinx1,
FInteger ibinx2,
FInteger ibiny1,
FInteger ibiny2,
FStrLength  chtitl_length

void hddir_ const FCharacter chpath,
FStrLength  chpath_length

void hdelet_ FInteger id  ) 

void hderiv_ FReal  deriv[]  ) 

void hdiff_ FInteger id1,
FInteger id2,
FReal prob,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hdiffb_ FInteger id1,
FInteger id2,
FReal tol,
FInteger nbins,
const FCharacter chopt,
FInteger nbad,
FReal  diff[],
FStrLength  chopt_length

FReal hdump_ FInteger id  ) 

void hermes_ FInteger lerr  ) 

FLogical hexist_ FInteger id  ) 

void hf1_ FInteger id,
FReal x,
FReal weight

void hf1e_ FInteger id,
FReal x,
FReal weight,
FReal errors

void hf2_ FInteger id,
FReal x,
FReal y,
FReal weight

void hfc1_ FInteger id,
FInteger ibin,
const FCharacter clab,
FReal w,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chlab_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hfc2_ FInteger id,
FInteger ibinx,
const FCharacter clabx,
FInteger ibiny,
const FCharacter claby,
FReal w,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chlabx_length,
FStrLength  chlaby_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hff1_ FInteger id,
FInteger nid,
FReal x,
FReal weight

void hff2_ FInteger id,
FInteger nid,
FReal x,
FReal y,
FReal weight

void hfill_ FInteger id,
FReal x,
FReal y,
FReal weight

void hfinam_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chpnam,
FInteger npar,
FStrLength  chpnam_length

Referenced by hfinam().

void hfith_ FInteger id,
FReal   fun(FReal *),
const FCharacter chopt,
FInteger np,
FReal  param[],
const FReal  step[],
const FReal  pmin[],
const FReal  pmax[],
FReal  sigpar[],
FReal chi2,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hfitn_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chfun,
const FCharacter chopt,
FInteger np,
FReal  param[],
const FReal  step[],
const FReal  pmin[],
const FReal  pmax[],
FReal  sigpar[],
FReal chi2,
FStrLength  chfun_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hfitv_ FInteger n,
FInteger ndim,
FInteger nvar,
const FReal  x[],
const FReal  y[],
const FReal  ey[],
FReal   fun(FReal *),
const FCharacter chopt,
FInteger np,
FReal  param[],
const FReal  step[],
const FReal  pmin[],
const FReal  pmax[],
FReal  sigpar[],
FReal chi2,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hfn_ FInteger id,
const FReal  x[]

void hfnov_ FInteger id,
const FReal  x[]

void hfnt_ FInteger id  ) 

void hfntb_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chblok,
FStrLength  chblok_length

void hfpak1_ FInteger id,
FInteger nid,
const FReal  v[],
FInteger n

void hfunc_ FInteger id,
FReal   fun(const FReal *)

void hgfit_ FInteger id,
FInteger nfpar,
FInteger npfits,
FReal fitchi,
FReal  fitpar[],
FReal  fitsig[],
FCharacter fitnam,
FStrLength  fitnam_length

Referenced by hgfit().

void hgive_ FInteger id,
FCharacter  chtitl[80],
FInteger nx,
FReal xmi,
FReal xma,
FInteger ny,
FReal ymi,
FReal yma,
FInteger nwt,
FInteger loc,
FStrLength  chtitl_length

Referenced by hgive().

void hgiven_ FInteger id,
FCharacter chtitl,
FInteger nvar,
FCharacter chtag,
FReal  rlow[],
FReal  rhigh[],
FStrLength  chtitl_length,
FStrLength  chtag_length

Referenced by hgiven().

void hgn_ FInteger id,
FInteger idn,
FInteger idnevt,
FReal  x[],
FInteger ierror

void hgnf_ FInteger id,
FInteger idnevt,
FReal  x[],
FInteger ierror

void hgnpar_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chrout,
FStrLength  chrout_length

void hgnt_ FInteger id,
FInteger idnevt,
FInteger ierr

void hgntb_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chblok,
FInteger irow,
FInteger ierr,
FStrLength  chblok_length

void hgntf_ FInteger id,
FInteger irow,
FInteger ierr

void hgntv_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chvar,
FInteger nvar,
FInteger irow,
FInteger ierr,
FStrLength  chvar_length

Referenced by hgntv().

FReal hi_ FInteger id,
FInteger i

void hid1_ FInteger  idvect[],
FInteger n

void hid2_ FInteger  idvect[],
FInteger n

void hidall_ FInteger  idvect[],
FInteger n

void hidopt_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chopt_length

FReal hie_ FInteger id,
FInteger i

FReal hif_ FInteger id,
FInteger i

FReal hij_ FInteger id,
FInteger i,
FInteger j

FReal hije_ FInteger id,
FInteger i,
FInteger j

FReal hijxy_ FInteger id,
FInteger i,
FInteger j,
FReal x,
FReal y

void hindex_  ) 

void hipak1_ FInteger id,
FInteger nid,
const FInteger  iv[],
FInteger n

void histdo_  ) 

FReal hix_ FInteger id,
FInteger i,
FReal x

void hkind_ FInteger id,
FInteger  kind[],
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hlabel_ FInteger id,
FInteger nlab,
FCharacter clab,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chlab_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

Referenced by hlabel().

void hldir_ const FCharacter chpath,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chpath_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hlimit_ FInteger npaw  ) 

void hlnext_ FInteger idh,
FCharacter chtype,
FCharacter chtitl,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chtype_length,
FStrLength  chtitl_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

Referenced by hlnext().

void hlocat_ FInteger id,
FInteger loc

FReal hmax_ FInteger id  ) 

void hmaxim_ FInteger id,
FReal fmax

void hmcini_ FInteger iddata,
const FInteger  idmc[],
const FInteger  idwt[],
FInteger nsrc,
const FCharacter chopt,
FInteger ierr,
FStrLength  chopt_length

FReal8 hmclnl_ const FReal  frac[]  ) 

void hmcmll_ FInteger idd,
const FInteger  idm[],
const FInteger  idw[],
FInteger nsrc,
const FCharacter chopt,
const FInteger  ifix[],
const FReal  frc[],
const FReal  flim[][2],
const FReal  start[],
const FReal  step[],
FReal up,
FReal  par[],
FReal  dpar[],
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hmdir_ const FCharacter chpath,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chpath_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hmerge_ FInteger nfiles,
const FCharacter chfin,
const FCharacter chfout,
FStrLength  chfin_length,
FStrLength  chfout_length

Referenced by hmerge().

void hmergin_  ) 

FReal hmin_ FInteger id  ) 

void hminim_ FInteger id,
FReal fmin

void hnform_ const FCharacter chform,
const FCharacter chname,
FInteger ldim,
const FCharacter chtype,
FReal xlow,
FReal xhigh,
FStrLength  chform_length,
FStrLength  chname_length,
FStrLength  chtype_length

void hnoent_ FInteger id,
FInteger noent

void hnorma_ FInteger id,
FReal xnorm

void hntdup_ FInteger id1,
FInteger id2,
FInteger newbuf,
const FCharacter chtitl,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chtitl_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hopera_ FInteger id1,
const FCharacter choper,
FInteger id2,
FInteger id3,
FReal c1,
FReal c2,
FStrLength  choper_length

void houtpu_ FInteger lout  ) 

void hpagsz_ FInteger nlines  ) 

void hpak_ FInteger id,
const FReal  conten[]

void hpakad_ FInteger id,
const FReal  conten[]

void hpake_ FInteger id,
const FReal  errors[]

void hparam_ FInteger id,
FInteger ic,
FReal r2min,
const FInteger  maxpow[],
FInteger  iterm[],
FInteger nco,
FReal8  coeff[]

void hparmn_ const FReal  x[],
const FReal  y[],
const FReal  ey[],
FInteger np,
FInteger nvar,
FInteger ic,
FReal r2min,
const FInteger  maxpow[],
FReal8  coeff[],
FInteger  iterm[],
FInteger nco

void hpchar_ const FCharacter chopt,
FCharacter charac,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hpdir_ const FCharacter chpath,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chpath_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hphist_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter choice,
FInteger num,
FStrLength  choice_length

void hphs_ FInteger id  ) 

void hphst_ FInteger id  ) 

void hponce_  ) 

void hprint_ FInteger id  ) 

void hprnt_ FInteger id  ) 

void hproj1_ FInteger id,
FInteger idn,
FInteger isel,
FReal   fun(const FReal[], FInteger *),
FInteger ifrom,
FInteger ito,
FInteger ivarx

void hproj2_ FInteger id,
FInteger idn,
FInteger isel,
FReal   fun(const FReal[], FInteger *),
FInteger ifrom,
FInteger ito,
FInteger ivarx,
FInteger ivary

void hprot_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter choice,
FInteger num,
FStrLength  choice_length

void hpscat_ FInteger id  ) 

void hptab_ FInteger id  ) 

void hquad_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chopt,
FInteger mode,
FReal sensit,
FReal smooth,
FInteger nsig,
FReal chisq,
FInteger ndf,
FReal fmin,
FReal fmax,
FInteger ierr,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hrdir_ FInteger maxdir,
FCharacter chdir,
FInteger ndir,
FStrLength  chdir_length

Referenced by hrdir().

void hrebin_ FInteger id,
FReal  x[],
FReal  y[],
FReal  ex[],
FReal  ey[],
FInteger n,
FInteger ifirst,
FInteger ilast

void hrecov_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hrename_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chold,
const FCharacter chnew,
FStrLength  chold_length,
FStrLength  chnew_length

void hrend_ const FCharacter chtop,
FStrLength  chtop_length

void hrenid_ FInteger idold,
FInteger idnew

void hreset_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chtitl,
FStrLength  chtitl_length

void hrfile_ FInteger lun,
const FCharacter chtop,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chtop_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hrget_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chfile,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chfile_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hrin_ FInteger id,
FInteger icycle,
FInteger ioffset

FReal hrndm1_ FInteger id  ) 

void hrndm2_ FInteger id,
FReal rx,
FReal ry

void hropen_ FInteger lun,
const FCharacter chtop,
const FCharacter chfile,
const FCharacter chopt,
FInteger lrec,
FInteger istat,
FStrLength  chtop_length,
FStrLength  chfile_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hrout_ FInteger id,
FInteger icycle,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hrput_ FInteger id,
const FCharacter chfile,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chfile_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hscale_ FInteger id,
FReal factor

void hscr_ FInteger id,
FInteger icycle,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hsetpr_ const FCharacter chname,
FReal value,
FStrLength  chname_length

void hsmoof_ FInteger id,
FInteger icase,
FReal chi2

FReal hspfun_ FInteger id,
FReal x,
FInteger n,
FInteger k

void hspli1_ FInteger id,
FInteger ic,
FInteger n,
FInteger k,
FReal chi2

void hspli2_ FInteger id,
FInteger nx,
FInteger ny,
FInteger kx,
FInteger ky

void hsquez_ const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chopt_length

void hstaf_ const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chopt_length

FReal hstati_ FInteger id,
FInteger icase,
const FCharacter choice,
FInteger num,
FStrLength  choice_length

FReal hsum_ FInteger id  ) 

void htitle_ const FCharacter chgtit,
FInteger  chgtit_length

void hunpak_ FInteger id,
FReal  conten[],
const FCharacter choice,
FInteger num,
FStrLength  choice_length

void hunpke_ FInteger id,
FReal  conten[],
const FCharacter choice,
FInteger num,
FStrLength  choice_length

void huwfun_ FInteger lun,
FInteger id,
const FCharacter chfun,
FInteger itrunc,
const FCharacter chopt,
FStrLength  chfun_length,
FStrLength  chopt_length

FReal hx_ FInteger id,
FReal x

FReal hxe_ FInteger id,
FReal x

FReal hxi_ FInteger id,
FReal x,
FInteger i

FReal hxy_ FInteger id,
FReal x,
FReal y

FReal hxye_ FInteger id,
FReal x,
FReal y

FReal hxyij_ FInteger id,
FReal x,
FReal y,
FInteger i,
FInteger j

Variable Documentation

HCFITDType hcfitd_

Definition at line 3288 of file hbook.h.

QUESTType quest_

Definition at line 3319 of file hbook.h.

Generated on Fri Sep 14 17:38:26 2007 for Kinfit by doxygen 1.3.2