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00019 #ifndef __H1FUNS_H
00020 #define __H1FUNS_H
00022 #include "jbltools/sfh/FillIterator.h"
00023 #include "jbltools/sfh/FloatFun.h"
00024 #include "jbltools/sfh/IntFun.h"
00025 #include "jbltools/sfh/BaseCut.h"
00027 #include "H1Pointers/H1ClonesArrayPtr.h" 
00028 #include "H1Mods/H1Part.h" 
00030 #include <cassert>
00031 #include <string>
00032 #include <cmath>
00033 #include <iostream>
00035 // A helper class to beak the encapsulation of H1Ptr and access fBranchName
00036 class JBLH1Ptr: public H1Ptr {
00037   public: 
00038     const char *getBranchName() const {return fBranchName;}
00039 };
00041 static std::string getH1PtrName (const H1Ptr& ptr) {
00042   const char *name = reinterpret_cast<const JBLH1Ptr&>(ptr).getBranchName();
00043   return std::string(name ? name : "");
00044 }
00054 template <class H1SomePtr>
00055 class JBLH1FloatFunIter: public FloatFun {
00056   public:
00058     JBLH1FloatFunIter (const char *branchname_,         
00059                        const FillIterator& iter_        
00060                       )
00061       : FloatFun (std::string(branchname_)+'['+iter_.getName()+']'),
00062         ptr (*new H1SomePtr(branchname_)), 
00063         iter (iter_)
00064       { 
00065         assert (&ptr); 
00066         assert (&iter);  
00067       }
00069     JBLH1FloatFunIter (const H1SomePtr& ptr_,           
00070                        const FillIterator& iter_,       
00071                        const char *pointername_ = 0      
00072                       )
00073       : FloatFun (getH1PtrName(ptr_)+'['+iter_.getName()+']'),
00074         ptr (ptr_), 
00075         iter (iter_)
00076       { 
00077         assert (&ptr); 
00078         assert (&iter);  
00079         makeName (pointername_);
00080       }
00082     Float_FF operator() () const {
00083       assert (ptr.GetPointer());
00084       assert (iter() >= 0);
00085       assert (iter() < ptr.GetEntries());
00086       return ptr[iter()];
00087     }
00089     virtual const FillIterator *getIterator() const { return &iter; }
00091   protected:
00093     virtual ~JBLH1FloatFunIter() {}
00095   private:
00096     // Data members
00097     const H1SomePtr& ptr;                  
00098     const FillIterator& iter;              
00099 };
00111 template <class H1SomePtr>
00112 class JBLH1FloatFun: public FloatFun {
00113   public:
00115     explicit JBLH1FloatFun (const char *branchname_,  
00116                             int index_ = -1           
00117                            )
00118       : FloatFun (std::string(branchname_)+(index_>=0 ? (str('[')+str(index_)+']') : std::string(""))),
00119         ptr (*new H1SomePtr (branchname_)), 
00120         index (index_ >= 0 ? index_ : 0), 
00121         branchname (branchname_)
00122       { 
00123         assert (&ptr);  
00124       }
00126     explicit JBLH1FloatFun (const H1SomePtr& ptr_,         
00127                             int index_ = -1,               
00128                             const char *pointername_ = 0   
00129                             )
00130       : FloatFun (getH1PtrName(ptr_)
00131                   +(index_>=0 ? (str('[')+str(index_)+']') : std::string(""))),
00132         ptr (ptr_), 
00133         index (index_ >= 0 ? index_ : 0), 
00134         branchname (getH1PtrName(ptr_))
00136       { 
00137         assert (&ptr); 
00138       }
00141     Float_FF operator() () const {
00142       assert (ptr.GetPointer());
00143       return ptr[index];
00144     }
00147     JBLH1FloatFun<H1SomePtr>& operator[] (int index_) {
00148       return *new JBLH1FloatFun<H1SomePtr> (ptr, index_, branchname.c_str());
00149     }
00152     JBLH1FloatFunIter<H1SomePtr>& operator[] (const FillIterator& iter_) {
00153       return *new JBLH1FloatFunIter<H1SomePtr> (ptr, iter_, branchname.c_str());
00154     }
00156   protected:
00158     virtual ~JBLH1FloatFun() {}
00160   private:
00161     // Data members
00162     const H1SomePtr& ptr;        
00163           int        index;      
00164     std::string      branchname; 
00165 };
00175 template <class H1SomePtr>
00176 class JBLH1IntFunIter: public IntFun {
00177   public:
00179     JBLH1IntFunIter (const char *branchname_,    
00180                      const FillIterator& iter_   
00181                      )
00182     : IntFun (std::string(branchname_)+'['+iter_.getName()+']'),
00183       ptr (*new H1SomePtr (branchname_)), 
00184       iter (iter_)
00185       { 
00186         assert (&ptr); 
00187         assert (&iter); 
00188       }
00190     JBLH1IntFunIter (const H1SomePtr& ptr_,      
00191                      const FillIterator& iter_   
00192                     )
00193       : IntFun (getH1PtrName(ptr_)
00194                 +'['+iter_.getName()+']'),
00195         ptr (ptr_), 
00196         iter (iter_)
00197       { 
00198         assert (&ptr); 
00199         assert (&iter); 
00200       } 
00202     int operator() () const {
00203       assert (ptr.GetPointer());
00204       assert (iter() >= 0);
00205       // assert (iter() < ptr.GetEntries());  // works only for array pointers...
00206       return ptr[iter()];
00207     }
00210     virtual const FillIterator *getIterator() const { return &iter; }
00212   protected:
00214     virtual ~JBLH1IntFunIter() {}
00216   private:
00217     // Data members
00218     const H1SomePtr&    ptr;                
00219     const FillIterator& iter;               
00220 };
00232 template <class H1SomePtr>
00233 class JBLH1IntFun: public IntFun {
00234   public:
00236     explicit JBLH1IntFun (const char *branchname_,      
00237                           int index_ = -1                
00238                          )
00239       : IntFun (std::string(branchname_)+(index_>=0 ? (str('[')+str(index_)+']') : std::string(""))),
00240         ptr (*new H1SomePtr (branchname_)), 
00241         index (index_ >= 0 ? index_ : 0) 
00242       { assert (&ptr); }
00244     explicit JBLH1IntFun (const H1SomePtr& ptr_,        
00245                           int index_ = -1                
00246                          )
00247       : IntFun (getH1PtrName(ptr_)
00248                 +(index_>= 0 ? (str('[')+str(index_)+']') : std::string(""))),
00249         ptr (ptr_), 
00250         index (index_ >= 0 ? index_ : 0) 
00251       { 
00252         assert (&ptr); 
00253       }
00256     int operator() () const {
00257       assert (ptr.GetPointer());
00258       return ptr[index];
00259     }
00262     JBLH1IntFun<H1SomePtr>& operator[] (int index_) {
00263       return *new JBLH1IntFun<H1SomePtr> (ptr, index_);
00264     }
00267     JBLH1IntFunIter<H1SomePtr>& operator[] (const FillIterator& iter_) {
00268       return *new JBLH1IntFunIter<H1SomePtr> (ptr, iter_);
00269     }
00272     FloatFun& Float () const {
00273       return *new JBLH1FloatFun<H1SomePtr> (ptr, index);
00274     }
00276   protected:
00278     virtual ~JBLH1IntFun() {};
00280   private:
00281     H1SomePtr ptr;                                
00282     int index;                                    
00283 };
00296 template<class H1SomeArrayPtr = H1ClonesArrayPtr, class ArrayRow = H1Part>
00297 class JBLH1SomeArrayIterator: public FillIterator {
00298   public:
00300     JBLH1SomeArrayIterator ()
00301     : FillIterator(),
00302       ptr (*new H1SomeArrayPtr), 
00303       index (0)
00304     { 
00305       assert (&ptr); 
00306       setName (reinterpret_cast<const JBLH1Ptr&>(ptr).getBranchName());
00307       std::cout << "JBLH1SomeArrayIterator: created '" << getName() 
00308                 << "' from new pointer\n";
00309     }
00311     explicit JBLH1SomeArrayIterator (const char *branchname_        
00312                                       )
00313     : FillIterator(branchname_),
00314       ptr (*new H1SomeArrayPtr (branchname_)), 
00315       index (0)
00316     { 
00317       assert (&ptr); 
00318       std::cout << "JBLH1SomeArrayIterator: created '" << getName() 
00319                 << "' from branch " << branchname_ << "\n";
00320     }
00322     explicit JBLH1SomeArrayIterator (const H1SomeArrayPtr& ptr_,   
00323                                      const char *pointername_ = 0  
00324                                      )
00325     : FillIterator(reinterpret_cast<const JBLH1Ptr&>(ptr).getBranchName()),
00326       ptr (ptr_), index (0)
00327     { 
00328       assert (&ptr);  
00329       std::cerr << "JBLH1SomeArrayIterator: created '" << getName() 
00330                 << "' from a pointer, pointername_='" << pointername_  << "'\n";
00331     }
00333     virtual int operator() () const {
00334       // If this assertions fails, something weird goes on.
00335       assert (index >= 0);
00336       // If this assertions fails, and index is 0,
00337       // then you probably have forgotten to tell an self-filling histogram
00338       // or set or matrix of histograms that it should use an iterator.
00339       // You should then give the iterator explicitly, and also
00340       // check that all your classes derived from IntFun, FloatFun, or BaseCut
00341       // correctly implement method getIterator.
00342       assert (index < ptr.GetEntries());
00343       return index;
00344     }
00346     virtual bool next() {
00347       return (++index < ptr.GetEntries());
00348     }
00350     virtual bool reset() {
00351       return ((index=0) < ptr.GetEntries());
00352     }
00354     virtual bool isValid() const {
00355       return index>=0 && index < ptr.GetEntries();
00356     }          
00359     inline virtual FloatFun& GetP() const;
00361     inline virtual FloatFun& GetPt() const;
00363     inline virtual FloatFun& GetPz() const;
00365     inline virtual FloatFun& GetE() const;
00367     inline virtual FloatFun& GetPhi() const;
00369     inline virtual FloatFun& GetTheta() const;
00371     inline virtual FloatFun& GetMass() const;
00373     inline virtual FloatFun& GetCharge() const;
00375     inline const char *getBranchName() const {
00376       return reinterpret_cast<const JBLH1Ptr&>(ptr).getBranchName();
00377     }
00380     template <class H1PartSome, class TM>
00381     inline  FloatFun& Float(TM (H1PartSome::* p_mem)() const,   
00382                             const char *attribname = "?"        
00383                            ) const;
00385     template <class H1PartSome, class TM>
00386     inline  FloatFun& GetFloatFun(TM (H1PartSome::* p_mem)() const,   
00387                                   const char *attribname = "?"        
00388                                  ) const;
00391     template <class H1PartSome, class TM>
00392     inline  IntFun& Int(TM (H1PartSome::* p_mem)() const,   
00393                         const char *attribname = "?"        
00394                        ) const;
00396     template <class H1PartSome, class TM>
00397     inline  IntFun& GetIntFun(TM (H1PartSome::* p_mem)() const,   
00398                               const char *attribname = "?"        
00399                              ) const;
00402     template <class H1PartSome, class TM>
00403     inline  BaseCut& Bool(TM (H1PartSome::* p_mem)() const,   
00404                           const char *attribname = "?"        
00405                          ) const;
00407     template <class H1PartSome, class TM>
00408     inline  BaseCut& GetBaseCut(TM (H1PartSome::* p_mem)() const,   
00409                                 const char *attribname = "?"        
00410                                ) const;
00413     const H1SomeArrayPtr& getBranchPointer() const {
00414       return ptr;
00415     }
00417   protected:
00419     virtual ~JBLH1SomeArrayIterator() {}
00421   private:
00422     // Data members
00423     const H1SomeArrayPtr& ptr;       
00424           int             index;     
00425 };
00426 typedef JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1ClonesArrayPtr> JBLH1ClonesArrayIterator;
00429 class JBLH1ClonesArrayEntries: public IntFun {
00430   public:
00432     explicit JBLH1ClonesArrayEntries (const char *branchname_        
00433                                      )
00434       : IntFun(branchname_),
00435         ptr (*new H1ClonesArrayPtr (branchname_))
00436       { 
00437         assert (&ptr); 
00438       }
00440     explicit JBLH1ClonesArrayEntries (const H1ClonesArrayPtr& ptr_   
00441                                      )
00442       : IntFun(getH1PtrName(ptr_)),
00443         ptr (ptr_)
00444       { 
00445         assert (&ptr); 
00446       }
00448     virtual int operator() () const {return ptr.GetEntries();}
00450   protected:
00452     virtual ~JBLH1ClonesArrayEntries() {};
00454   private:
00455       const H1ClonesArrayPtr& ptr;                        
00456 };
00459 // Returns properties of objects in a collection pointed at by an H1ClonesArrayPtr
00460 template <class H1TObject=H1Part, class TM=Double_t>
00461 class JBLH1TObjectFloatFun: public FloatFun {
00462   public:
00464     JBLH1TObjectFloatFun(const char *branchname_,               
00465                          const FillIterator& iter_,             
00466                          TM (H1TObject::* p_mem_)() const = 0,  
00467                          const char *attribname_ = "?"          
00468                         )
00469       : FloatFun (std::string(branchname_)+'['+iter_.getName()+"]."+ (attribname_ ? attribname_ : "")),
00470         ptr (*new H1ClonesArrayPtr (branchname_)), 
00471         iter (iter_), 
00472         p_mem (p_mem_)
00473       {
00474         assert (&ptr); 
00475         assert (&iter);  
00476       }
00478     JBLH1TObjectFloatFun(const H1ClonesArrayPtr& ptr_,              
00479                          const FillIterator& iter_ ,                  
00480                          TM (H1TObject::* p_mem_)() const = 0,    
00481                          const char *attribname_ = "?"            
00482                 )
00483       : FloatFun (getH1PtrName(ptr_)
00484                   +'['+iter_.getName()+"]."+ (attribname_ ? attribname_ : "")),
00485         ptr (ptr_), 
00486         iter (iter_), 
00487         p_mem (p_mem_)
00488       {
00489         assert (&ptr); 
00490         assert (&iter);  
00491       }
00493     template <class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00494     JBLH1TObjectFloatFun (const JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>& iter_,    
00495                                 TM (H1TObject::* p_mem_)() const,                           
00496                           const char *attribname_ = "?"                                      
00497                                )
00498       : FloatFun (std::string(iter_.getBranchName())+'['+iter_.getName()+"]."+ (attribname_ ? attribname_ : "")),
00499         ptr (iter_.getBranchPointer()), 
00500         iter (iter_), 
00501         p_mem (p_mem_)
00502       {
00503         assert (&ptr); 
00504         assert (&iter);  
00505       }
00507     virtual const FillIterator *getIterator() const { return &iter; }
00509     virtual Float_FF operator() () const {
00510       assert (p_mem);
00511       if (H1TObject *h1part = dynamic_cast<H1TObject *>(ptr[iter()])) {
00512         return (h1part->*p_mem)();
00513       }
00514       // If this assertion fails, then you have tried to apply a
00515       // member function to an object that does not have that function,
00516       // e.g. you try to use H1PartSelTrack::isCentral for H1PartJPsi.
00517       assert (0);
00518       return 0;
00519     }
00521   protected:
00523     virtual ~JBLH1TObjectFloatFun() {}
00525   protected:
00526     // Data members
00527     const H1ClonesArrayPtr& ptr;              
00528     const FillIterator& iter;                 
00529           TM (H1TObject::* p_mem)() const;    
00530 };
00532 // Returns properties of objects in a collection pointed at by an H1ClonesArrayPtr
00533 template <class H1TObject=H1Part, class TM=Int_t>
00534 class JBLH1TObjectIntFun: public IntFun {
00535   public:
00537     JBLH1TObjectIntFun(const char *branchname_,               
00538                        const FillIterator& iter_,             
00539                        TM (H1TObject::* p_mem_)() const = 0,  
00540                        const char *attribname_ = "?"          
00541                       )
00542       : IntFun (std::string(branchname_)+'['+iter_.getName()+"]."+ (attribname_ ? attribname_ : "")),
00543         ptr (*new H1ClonesArrayPtr (branchname_)), 
00544         iter (iter_), 
00545         p_mem (p_mem_)
00546       {}
00548     JBLH1TObjectIntFun(const H1ClonesArrayPtr& ptr_,              
00549                        const FillIterator& iter_ ,                
00550                        TM (H1TObject::* p_mem_)() const = 0,      
00551                        const char *attribname_ = "?"              
00552                 )
00553       : IntFun (getH1PtrName(ptr_)+'['+iter_.getName()+"]."+ (attribname_ ? attribname_ : "")),
00554         ptr (ptr_), 
00555         iter (iter_), 
00556         p_mem (p_mem_)
00557       {}
00559     template <class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00560     JBLH1TObjectIntFun (const JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>& iter_,    
00561                                 TM (H1TObject::* p_mem_)() const,                         
00562                         const char *attribname_ = "?"                                    
00563                        )
00564       : IntFun (std::string(iter_.getBranchName())+'['+iter_.getName()+"]."+ (attribname_ ? attribname_ : "")),
00565         ptr (iter_.getBranchPointer()), iter (iter_), p_mem (p_mem_)
00566       {}
00568     virtual const FillIterator *getIterator() const { return &iter; }
00570     virtual int operator() () const {
00571       assert (p_mem);
00572       if (H1TObject *h1part = dynamic_cast<H1TObject *>(ptr[iter()])) {
00573         return (h1part->*p_mem)();
00574       }
00575       // If this assertion fails, then you have tried to apply a
00576       // member function to an object that does not have that function,
00577       // e.g. you try to use H1PartSelTrack::isCentral for H1PartJPsi.
00578       assert (0);
00579       return 0;
00580     }
00581   protected:
00583     virtual ~JBLH1TObjectIntFun() {};
00585   protected:
00586     // Data members
00587     const H1ClonesArrayPtr& ptr;              
00588     const FillIterator& iter;                 
00589           TM (H1TObject::* p_mem)() const;    
00590 };
00592 // Returns properties of objects in a collection pointed at by an H1ClonesArrayPtr
00593 template <class H1TObject=H1Part, class TM=Bool_t>
00594 class JBLH1TObjectBaseCut: public BaseCut {
00595   public:
00597     JBLH1TObjectBaseCut(const char *branchname_,               
00598                         const FillIterator& iter_,             
00599                         TM (H1TObject::* p_mem_)() const = 0,  
00600                         const char *attribname_ = "?"          
00601                        )
00602       : BaseCut (std::string(branchname_)+'['+iter_.getName()+"]."+ (attribname_ ? attribname_ : "")),
00603         ptr (*new H1ClonesArrayPtr (branchname_)), 
00604         iter (iter_), 
00605         p_mem (p_mem_)
00606       {}
00608     JBLH1TObjectBaseCut (const H1ClonesArrayPtr& ptr_,           
00609                          const FillIterator& iter_ ,             
00610                          TM (H1TObject::* p_mem_)() const = 0,   
00611                          const char *attribname_ = "?"          
00612                 )
00613       : IntFun (getH1PtrName(ptr_)+'['+iter_.getName()+"]."+ (attribname_ ? attribname_ : "")),
00614         ptr (ptr_), 
00615         iter (iter_), 
00616         p_mem (p_mem_)
00617       {}
00619     template <class H1SomeArrayPtr>
00620     JBLH1TObjectBaseCut (const JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr>& iter_,    
00621                                 TM (H1TObject::* p_mem_)() const,                
00622                          const char *attribname_ = "?"                           
00623                         )
00624       : FloatFun (std::string(iter_.getBranchName())+'['+iter_.getName()+"]."+ (attribname_ ? attribname_ : "")),
00625         ptr (iter_.getBranchPointer()), 
00626         iter (iter_), 
00627         p_mem (p_mem_)
00628       {}
00630     virtual const FillIterator *getIterator() const { return &iter; }
00632     virtual bool operator() () const {
00633       assert (p_mem);
00634       if (H1TObject *h1part = dynamic_cast<H1TObject *>(ptr[iter()])) {
00635         return (h1part->*p_mem)();
00636       }
00637       // If this assertion fails, then you have tried to apply a
00638       // member function to an object that does not have that function,
00639       // e.g. you try to use H1PartSelTrack::isCentral for H1PartJPsi.
00640       assert (0);
00641       return 0;
00642     }
00643   protected:
00645     virtual ~JBLH1TObjectBaseCut() {};
00647   protected:
00648     // Data members
00649     const H1ClonesArrayPtr& ptr;              
00650     const FillIterator& iter;                 
00651           TM (H1TObject::* p_mem)() const;    
00652 };
00655 // Implementation of inline methods
00656 template<class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00657 FloatFun& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::GetP() const {
00658   return *new JBLH1TObjectFloatFun<ArrayRow> (*this, &ArrayRow::GetP, "P");
00659 }   
00661 template<class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00662 FloatFun& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::GetPt() const {
00663   return *new JBLH1TObjectFloatFun<ArrayRow> (*this, &ArrayRow::GetPt, "Pt");
00664 }   
00666 template<class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00667 FloatFun& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::GetPz() const {
00668   return *new JBLH1TObjectFloatFun<ArrayRow> (*this, &ArrayRow::GetPz, "Pz");
00669 }   
00671 template<class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00672 FloatFun& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::GetE() const {
00673   return *new JBLH1TObjectFloatFun<ArrayRow> (*this, &ArrayRow::GetE, "E");
00674 }   
00676 template<class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00677 FloatFun& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::GetPhi() const {
00678   return *new JBLH1TObjectFloatFun<ArrayRow> (*this, &ArrayRow::GetPhi, "Phi");
00679 }   
00681 template<class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00682 FloatFun& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::GetTheta() const {
00683   return *new JBLH1TObjectFloatFun<ArrayRow> (*this, &ArrayRow::GetTheta, "Theta");
00684 }   
00686 template<class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00687 FloatFun& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::GetMass() const {
00688   return *new JBLH1TObjectFloatFun<ArrayRow> (*this, &ArrayRow::GetMass, "Mass");
00689 }   
00691 template<class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00692 FloatFun& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::GetCharge() const {
00693   return *new JBLH1TObjectFloatFun<ArrayRow, Float_t> (*this, &ArrayRow::GetCharge, "Charge");
00694 }   
00696 template <class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00697 template <class H1PartSome, class TM>
00698 FloatFun& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::Float(TM (H1PartSome::* p_mem)() const, const char *attribname) const {
00699   return *new JBLH1TObjectFloatFun<H1PartSome, TM> (*this, p_mem, attribname);
00700 }   
00701 template <class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00702 template <class H1PartSome, class TM>
00703 FloatFun& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::GetFloatFun(TM (H1PartSome::* p_mem)() const, const char *attribname) const {
00704   return *new JBLH1TObjectFloatFun<H1PartSome, TM> (*this, p_mem, attribname);
00705 }   
00707 template <class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00708 template <class H1PartSome, class TM>
00709 IntFun& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::Int(TM (H1PartSome::* p_mem)() const, const char *attribname) const {
00710   return *new JBLH1TObjectIntFun<H1PartSome, TM> (*this, p_mem, attribname);
00711 }   
00712 template <class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00713 template <class H1PartSome, class TM>
00714 IntFun& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::GetIntFun(TM (H1PartSome::* p_mem)() const, const char *attribname) const {
00715   return *new JBLH1TObjectIntFun<H1PartSome, TM> (*this, p_mem, attribname);
00716 }   
00718 template <class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00719 template <class H1PartSome, class TM>
00720 BaseCut& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::Bool(TM (H1PartSome::* p_mem)() const, const char *attribname) const {
00721   return *new JBLH1TObjectBaseCut<H1PartSome, TM> (*this, p_mem, attribname);
00722 }   
00723 template <class H1SomeArrayPtr, class ArrayRow>
00724 template <class H1PartSome, class TM>
00725 BaseCut& JBLH1SomeArrayIterator<H1SomeArrayPtr, ArrayRow>::GetBaseCut(TM (H1PartSome::* p_mem)() const, const char *attribname) const {
00726   return *new JBLH1TObjectBaseCut<H1PartSome, TM> (*this, p_mem, attribname);
00727 }   
00730 #endif /* #ifndef __H1FUNS_H */ 

Generated on Thu Oct 26 12:52:56 2006 for SFH by doxygen 1.3.2