cvs -d /afs/ co jbltools/sfh
Consider this example:
SFH1F *h1 = new SFH1F ("JPsiElasticTT", "#muODS: m_{J/#Psi}: elastic production, (#mu-#mu)", 40, 2., 4., *this, jpsiMass, jpsiElastic&&jpsiTrackTrack&&jpsiNoCosmic&&jpsi2mu);
Without going into the details yet it is certainly plausible that this should be a histogram with name "JPsiElasticTT" and title "ODS:
: elastic production,
", with 40 bins between 2 and 4 GeV, which shows the mass of
meson candidates, after cuts have been applied that demand:
The classes contained in the package SFH provide the means to write this type of code.
At the core of our toolkit are, obviously, the self-filling histogram classes, which are called SFH1F, SFH2F, etc, similarly to the corresponding root classes TH1F, TH2F. etc. from which they are derived.
, which in contrast to the method of Int_t TH1F::Fill(Axis_t x)
does not take an argument.
When we loop over the entries of a root Tree, the Fill()
method has to be called once per entry. If we have a list of all self-filling histograms, which is provided by class HList, this is easily done in a single call, which in turn calls all Fill()
methods of the histograms.
, jpsiElastic
etc, which are declared as follows (at the moment we assume there is only one, and exactly one, J/psi candidate per Tree entry): FloatFun& jpsiMass = *new JpsiMassFun; BaseCut& jpsiElastic = *new JpsiElasticCut; BaseCut& jpsiTrackTrack = *new JpsiTTCut; BaseCut& jpsiNoCosmic = *new JpsiNoCosmicCut; BaseCut& jpsi2mu = *new Jpsi2MuCut;
So, jpsiMass
is an object of type JpsiMassFun.
Assuming we have a ntuple declared in an include file NTuple.h, automatically generated by root, and this ntuple has a member jpsimass, we could have this code:
#include "Ntuple.h" #include "jbltools/sfh/FloatFun.h" external Ntuple* ntuple; // global pointer to ntuple class JpsiMassFun : public FloatFun { public: virtual float operator() () const { return nt->jpsimass; } };
So, JpsiMassFun is a class that implements operator()
, which, when called, returns the jpsi mass stored in the ntuple row that is currently in memory.
This class is so light-weight that it can be completely implemented within a header file, without need for a separate implementation file.
Consequently, the base class FloatFun is an abstract base class which does not much more than declare that any FloatFun subclass must implement operator():
class FloatFun { public: virtual float operator() () const = 0; protected: virtual ~FloatFun() {}; };
(Why the destructor is protected is an issue that will be covered later.)
class BaseCut { public: virtual bool operator() () const = 0; protected: virtual ~BaseCut() {}; };
So, to implement one cut we could write:
#include "Ntuple.h" #include "jbltools/sfh/BaseCut.h" external Ntuple* ntuple; // global pointer to ntuple class Jpsi2MuCut : public BaseCut { public: virtual bool operator() () const { return nt->trackIsMuon[0] && nt->trackIsMuon[1]; } };
class AndOfTwoCuts: public BaseCut { public: AndOfTwoCuts (const BaseCut& lhs_, const BaseCut& rhs_) : lhs (&lhs_), rhs (&rhs_) {}; virtual bool operator() () const {return (*lhs)() && (*rhs)();} protected: const BaseCut *lhs; const BaseCut *rhs; }; inline AndOfTwoCuts& operator&& (const BaseCut& lhs_, const BaseCut& rhs_) { return *new AndOfTwoCuts (lhs_, rhs_); }
(The real code, residing in BaseCut.h, is slightly more complicated, but not much.)
We first define a class AndOfTwoCuts that holds pointers to two other BaseCut objects, and returns the AND of their results. Additionally we overload operator&&(), so that it generates a new AndOfTwoCuts object, which we can pass (by reference!) on to a SFH1F. Voilą!
The purpose of an AnalysisLoop object is to book, fill, and write out a number of histograms. It might look like this:
#include "jbltools/sfh/EventLoop.h" #include "jbltools/sfh/Binning.h" #include "jbltools/sfh/SFH1F.h" #include "PTMissFun.h" class AnalysisLoop: public EventLoop { public: // Constructor books histograms AnalysisLoop (Ntuple* ntuple) { Binning ptmissbinning (50, 0., 100.); FloatFun& ptmiss = *new PTMissFun (ntuple); // self-filling histogram for missing pt h = new SFH1F ("ptmiss", "Missing pt", ptmissbinning, this, ptmiss); } // Destructor does nothing virtual ~AnalysisLoop () {} // output method writes histos to postscript and file virtual void output (const char* rootfile = "", const char* psfile = "") { // create canvas TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("canvas", "ptmiss", 600, 800); // Write plot to psfile TPostScript ps (psfile, 111); canvas->Clear(); h->Draw ("E0"); // Draws the histo canvas->Update(); ps.Close(); // Write histogram to file TFile file (rootfile, "RECREATE"); h->Write(); // Writes out the histo file.Write(); file.Close(); } protected: SFH1F *h; // The self-filling histogram };
The corresponding main program opens an ntuple and loops over its entries, calling the (inherited) loop() method of the AnalysisLoop object for each row:
#define Ntuple_cxx #include "Ntuple.h" // The ntuple #include "AnalysisLoop.h" // The AnalysisLoop int main(int argc, char** argv) { Ntuple nt; // open ntuple TApplication theApp("main", &argc, argv); // for graphics AnalysisLoop theAnalysisLoop (&nt); // book histos // Loop over ntuple entries for (int i = 0; i < int(nt.fChain->GetEntriesFast()); ++i) { if (nt.LoadTree (i) < 0) break; nt.fChain->GetEntry(i); theAnalysisLoop.loop(); // fill the histos } theAnalysisLoop.output("out.root",""); // store the histos return 0; }
Here we use the headerfile Ntuple.h, generated by TTree::MakeClass, that describes the ntuple structure.
AnalysisLoop is derived from EventLoop, and thereby from SFROList (list of self-filling registered objects). SFROList defines a Fill() method that fills all self-filling objects by calling their respective Fill() method. EventLoop::loop() calls this Fill() method, and therefore fills all self-filling objects that have registered themselves with the loop, in our example the ptmiss-histogram.