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Changes 8.7.04

Changes 5./6.7.04

Changes 29./30.6.04

Changes 21./22.6.04

New caching mechanism: Introduced abstract base class CachedO (derived from RegO), derived classes SimpleCachedFloatFun, IteratorCachedFloatFun, SimpleCachedCut, and IteratorCachedCut from it to provide simple bases for cached objects. Adapted EventLoop to invalidate all caches in the loop() method.

Changed classes SetOfHistograms, SFSetOfHistograms, MatrixOfHistograms, and SFMatrixOfHistograms to use "PoR" classes everywhere (like SFH1F etc), and to take Binning objects for the axis binning in the constructor.

Changes 10.6.04

Don't distinguish anymore between registered histograms and other registered entities. Class SFO now is the base class for everything that has a Fill() method, including SFSetOfHistograms and SFMatrixOfHistograms. This makes the Fill() method in SFROList much easier and decouples SFROList from SFSetOfHistograms and SFMatrixOfHistograms; future self-filling collections will thereby automatically be filled as well.

New Files:

Deleted files:

Generated on Thu Oct 26 12:55:27 2006 for SFH by doxygen 1.3.2