
New topics: lists, for-loop

The intended solution path for count, min_max and range_square is the use of a for loop combined with if statements.

Please ensure the submitted work follows the PEP8 style guide.

Relevant Socratica video:


Write a function degree(x) that takes an argument x in radian and returns the corresponding value in degrees: given a value \(x\), the function should return \(x \frac{360}{2\pi}\).


In [ ]: degree(math.pi)
Out[ ]: 180.0


Implement a function range_squared(n) that takes an non-negative integer value n and that returns the list \([0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ..., (n-1)^2]\). If \(n\) is zero, the function should return the empty list [].


In [ ]: range_squared(3)
Out[ ]: [0, 1, 4]

count(element, seq)

Implement a function count(element, seq) that counts how often the given element element occurs in the given sequence seq, and returns this integer value. For example, count(2, list(range(5))) should return 1.


In [ ]: count('dog', ['dog', 'cat', 'mouse', 'dog'])
Out[ ]: 2

In [ ]: count(2, list(range(5)))
Out[ ]: 1


Implement a function min_max(xs) that computes the minimum value xmin of the elements in the list xs, and the maximum value xmax of the elements in the list, and returns a tuple (xmin, xmax).


In [ ]: min_max([0, 1, 2, 10, -5, 3])
Out[ ]: (-5, 10)

Implement the functions in a file and submit this with subject lab2. For the following labs, use the same naming scheme.

Additional (voluntary) tasks are available in lab2-extra.

End of lab2.