
model(t, Ti, Ta, c)

We investigate a cup of tea.

Prerequisits: curve fitting, data analysis, inverting function (root find)


In this lab, we will be using the curve_fit function from scipy, which is located at scipy.optimize.curve_fit


Enjoying a good cup of tea or coffee is an important part of our academic activities. Here, we study how a hot cup of tea or coffee cools down once the liquid has been poured into the cup.

A dedicated research unit in a little known university in central Java, Indonesia, has conducted temperature measurements for a cup of tea and made the data available:

Temperature of cup of tea cooling down

Temperature of cup of tea cooling down

The specialised equipment takes one temperature reading (in degree Celsius) every 10 seconds, although the measurements are somewhat noisy. Unfortunately, something went wrong in the beginning of the measurement, so the data for the first minute are missing.

Research questions

The questions we aim to answer are:

  • what was the initial temperature of the tea in the cup at time \(t=0\mathrm{s}\)?

  • how quickly does the tea cool down? In particular: after what time is it safe to drink it (we assume that 60C are a safe temperature).

  • what will be the final temperature of the tea if we wait infinitely long (presumably this will be the room temperature in this particular lab in Java).


To make progress with this task, we define some variable names and have to make a few simplifying assumptions.

We assume that initial temperature, \(T_\mathrm{i}\), is the temperature with which the tea has been poured into the cup.

If we wait infinitely long, the final temperature will reach the value of the ambient temperature, \(T_\mathrm{a}\), which will be the environmental temperature in the lab where the measurements have been taken.

We further assume that the cup has no significant heat capacity to keep the problem simple.

We assume that the cooling process follows a particular model. In particular we assume that the rate with which the temperature \(T\) changes as a function of time \(t\) is proportional to the difference between the current temperature \(T(t)\) and the temperature of the environment \(T_\mathrm{a}\), i.e.:

\[\frac{\mathrm{d}T}{\mathrm{d}t} = \frac{1}{c}(T_\mathrm{a}-T)\]

We can solve this differential equation analytically and obtain a model equation:

\[T(t) = (T_\mathrm{i} - T_\mathrm{a})\exp\left(\frac{-t}{c}\right) + T_\mathrm{a} \qquad (1)\]

where \(c\) is the time constant for the cooling process (which is expressed in seconds). The larger \(c\), the longer it takes for the hot drink to cool down. Over a period of \(c\) seconds, the drink’s temperature will decrease by approximately \(\frac{2}{3}\).

Exercise: model(t, Ti, Ta, c)

Implement a function model(t, Ti, Ta, c) which implements equation (1).

  • We expect this behaviour:

    In [ ]: model(0, 100, 0, 10)
    Out[ ]: 100.0
    In [ ]: model(10, 100, 0, 10)
    Out[ ]: 36.787944117144235
    In [ ]: import math
    In [ ]: math.exp(-1) * 100
    Out[ ]: 36.787944117144235
    In [ ]: model(10, 100, 100, 10)
    Out[ ]: 100.0
    In [ ]: model(1000000, 100, 25, 10)
    Out[ ]: 25.0

    \(\phantom{invisible white space}\)

  • The function model(t, Ti, Ta, c) should return a single value if t is a floating point number, and an array if t is an array.


    In [ ]: model(0, 100, 20, 500)
    Out[ ]: 100.0
    In [ ]: from numpy import linspace
    In [ ]: ts = linspace(0, 3600, 4)
    In [ ]: ts
    Out[ ]: array([    0.,  1200.,  2400.,  3600.])
    In [ ]: model(ts, 100, 20, 500)
    Out[ ]: array([ 100.        ,   27.25743626,   20.65837976,   20.05972686])

    \(\phantom{invisible white space}\)

    You can achieve this behaviour by using the exponential function from numpy (i.e. numpy.exp rather than the exponential function from the math module) when you implement equation (1) in the model function.


Reading data from columns in text file

Implement a function read2coldata(filename) which opens a text file with name filename and which contains two columns of data. The columns have to be separated by white space (such as one or more spaces or tabs). The function should return a tuple of two numpy-arrays where the first array contains all the data from the first column in the file, and the second array contains all the data in the second column.

Example: for a data file testdata.txt which contains

1.5  4
8    5
16   6
17   6.2

we expect this behaviour:

In [ ]: read2coldata('testdata.txt')
Out[ ]: (array([  1.5,   8. ,  16. ,  17. ]), array([ 4. ,  5. ,  6. ,  6.2]))

In [ ]: a, b = read2coldata('testdata.txt')

In [ ]: a
Out[ ]: array([  1.5,   8. ,  16. ,  17. ])

In [ ]: b
Out[ ]: array([ 4. ,  5. ,  6. ,  6.2])

extract_parameters(ts, Ts)

Implement a function extract_parameters(ts, Ts) which expects a numpy array ts with time values and a numpy array Ts of the same length as the array ts with corresponding temperature values. The function should estimate and return a tuple of the three model parameters Ti, Ta and c (in this order) by fitting the model function as in equation (1) to the data ts and Ts.


  • The curve_fit function may need some initial guesses (through the optional function parameter p0) for the model parameters to be able to find a good fit.

  • You are strongly encouraged to plot your fitted curve together with the raw data to check that the fit is reasonable.

    You can use a function like this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot(ts, Ts, Ti, Ta, c):
    """Input Parameters:

      ts : data for time (ts) (numpy array)
      Ts : data for temperature (Ts) (numpy arrays)
      Ti : model parameter Ti for Initial Temperature (number)
      Ta : model parameter Ta for Ambient Temperature (number)
      c  : model parameter c for the time constant (number)

    This function will create a plot that shows the model fit together
    with the data.

    Function returns None.

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    # plot the original data
    ax.plot(ts, Ts, "o", label="data", alpha=0.3)

    # compute a curve to plot based on the model
    # and the parameters Ti, Ta and c for all points ts
    fTs = model(ts, Ti, Ta, c)  # fitted Ts

    ax.plot(ts, fTs, label="fit")
    #  # to force pop-up window if desired

sixty_degree_time(Ti, Ta, c)

Implement a function sixty_degree_time(Ti, Ta, c) which expects the model paramaters Ti (initial temperature), Ta (ambient temperature) and c the cooling rate time constant. The function should return an estimate of the number of seconds after which the temperature of the drink has cooled down to 60 degree Celsius. (60 degree Celsius is a temperature that is generally considered low enough not to damage tissue).

Hints: You have at least two different possible ways of obtaining this number of seconds for a given set of model parameters (Ti, Ta, c).

  • One is to take the model equation \(T(t) = (T_\mathrm{i} - T_\mathrm{a})\exp\left(\frac{-t}{c}\right) + T_\mathrm{a}\) and to replace \(T(t)\) with $60$ degrees, and then solve the remaining equation for \(t\) analytically.

  • The other is to define a helper function \(h(t) = T(t) - 60\) so that this function is zero when \(T(t)\) is 60 degrees Celsisus. Then use root finding on this function \(h(t)\), i.e. find that value of \(t\) for which \(h(t) = 0\).

    For the root finding, you can use the scipy.optimize.brentq function. An example is at the bottom of the documentation.

    You can assume that \(T(0)\) (i.e. the initial temperature Ti at \(t=0\)) is greater than 60 degree Celsius, and that \(T(\infty)\) (i.e. the ambient temperature Ta for \(t \rightarrow \infty\)) is smaller than 60 degree Celsius.

To test your functions, you can put them together like this in the IPython shell or in a separate file:

ts, Ts = read2coldata("time_temp.txt")
Ti, Ta, c = extract_parameters(ts, Ts)
print(f"Model parameters are {Ti=:.2f} C, {Ta=:.2f} C, {c=:.2f} s")

waittime = sixty_degree_time(Ti, Ta, c)

    f"The drink reaches 60 degrees after {waittime:.2f} seconds = {waittime/60:.2f} minutes"

If you want to include these commands in your submission file, you need to put it inside the if __name__ == "___main__" statement, such as

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ts, Ts = read2coldata("time_temp.txt")
    Ti, Ta, c = extract_parameters(ts, Ts)
    print(f"Model parameters are {Ti=:.2f} C, {Ta=:.2f} C, {c=:.2f} s")

    waittime = sixty_degree_time(Ti, Ta, c)

        f"The drink reaches 60 degrees after {waittime:.2f} seconds = {waittime/60:.2f} minutes"

Written like this, the block of commands will only be executed if you execute the main file (for example by pressing F5 in Spyder), but not if the file is imported from elsewhere (which is what the testing system does).

Please submit your file for this assignment.

End of lab8.