Round Table Discussion on Situation in Cuba
Four years of the Trump administration resulted in 240 new sanctions on Cuba that strengthen the already 60 year old blockade. This, in the mid of a global pandemic and economic crisis is having a much greater impact on the life of every Cuban. In June, a resolution demanding the end of the US blockade will be launched in UN assembly. Since 1992 the overwhelming majority of UN members have voted to put an end to this set of measures which violate the international law.
Our aim is to give a platform to discuss this issue at a round-table and to share their opinions about the situation. We will discuss together with other people of the science community in Hamburg possible collaboration and cooperation with universities in Cuba. We'll also discuss options of the proposed "Humboldt Highway" with Cuba.
Further infos on collaboration with Cuba can be found in our Panel discussion on 20 Nov 2020
The slides shown can be found here
The text chat of the meeting, with further links, can be found here
and here are links to reports about our RoundTable disucssion:
Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affair