Millepede-II V04-17-04
Go to the documentation of this file.
28MODULE mpmod
29 USE mpdef
32 ! steering parameters
33 INTEGER(mpi) :: ictest=0
34 INTEGER(mpi) :: metsol=0
35 INTEGER(mpi) :: matsto=2
36 INTEGER(mpi) :: matbsz=1
37 INTEGER(mpi) :: mprint=1
38 INTEGER(mpi) :: mdebug=0
39 INTEGER(mpi) :: mdebg2=10
40 INTEGER(mpi) :: mreqenf=25
41 INTEGER(mpi) :: mreqena=10
42 INTEGER(mpi) :: mitera=1
43 INTEGER(mpi) :: nloopn=0
44 INTEGER(mpi) :: mbandw=0
45 INTEGER(mpi) :: lprecm=0
46 INTEGER(mpi) :: lunkno=0
47 INTEGER(mpi) :: lhuber=0
48 REAL(mps) :: chicut=0.0
49 REAL(mps) :: chirem=0.0
50 REAL(mps) :: chhuge=50.0
51 INTEGER(mpl) :: nrecpr=0
52 INTEGER(mpl) :: nrecp2=0
53 INTEGER(mpl) :: nrec1 =0
54 INTEGER(mpl) :: nrec2 =0
55 REAL(mps) :: value1=0.0
56 REAL(mps) :: value2=0.0
57 REAL(mps) :: dwcut=0.0
58 INTEGER(mpi) :: isubit=0
59 REAL(mps) :: wolfc1=0.0
60 REAL(mps) :: wolfc2=0.0
61 REAL(mpd) :: mrestl=1.0e-06
62 REAL(mpd) :: mrtcnd=1.0e+07
63 INTEGER(mpi) :: mrmode=0
64 INTEGER(mpi) :: nofeas=0
65 INTEGER(mpi) :: nhistp=0
66 REAL(mps) :: delfun=0.0
67 REAL(mps) :: actfun=0.0
68 REAL(mps) :: angras=0.0
69 INTEGER(mpi) :: iterat=0
70 INTEGER(mpi) :: nregul=0
71 REAL(mps) :: regula=1.0
72 REAL(mps) :: regpre=0.0
73 INTEGER(mpi) :: matrit=0
74 INTEGER(mpi) :: icalcm=0
75 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(2) :: nbndr =0
76 INTEGER(mpi) :: nbdrx =0
77 INTEGER(mpi) :: nbndx =0
78 INTEGER(mpl) :: nrecer=0
79 INTEGER(mpl) :: nrec3 = huge(nrec3)
80 INTEGER(mpi) :: mreqpe=1
81 INTEGER(mpi) :: mhispe=0
82 INTEGER(mpi) :: msngpe=-1
83 INTEGER(mpi) :: mextnd=0
84 INTEGER(mpi) :: mthrd =1
85 INTEGER(mpi) :: mxrec =0
86 INTEGER(mpi) :: matmon=0
87 INTEGER(mpi) :: lfitnp=huge(lfitnp)
88 INTEGER(mpi) :: lfitbb=1
89 INTEGER(mpi) :: mnrsel=0
90 INTEGER(mpi) :: ncache=-1
91 REAL(mps), DIMENSION(3) :: fcache = (/ 0.8, 0., 0. /)
92 INTEGER(mpi) :: mthrdr=1
93 INTEGER(mpi) :: mnrsit=0
94 INTEGER(mpi) :: iforce=0
95 INTEGER(mpi) :: igcorr=0
96 INTEGER(mpi) :: memdbg=0
97 REAL(mps) :: prange=0.0
98 INTEGER(mpi) :: lsearch=2
100 INTEGER(mpi) :: ipcntr=0
101 INTEGER(mpi) :: iwcons=0
102 INTEGER(mpi) :: icelim=1
103 INTEGER(mpi) :: icheck=0
104 INTEGER(mpi) :: ichkpg=0
105 INTEGER(mpi) :: iteren=0
106 INTEGER(mpi) :: iskpec=0
107 INTEGER(mpi) :: irslvrc=0
108 INTEGER(mpi) :: imonit=0
109 INTEGER(mpi) :: measbins=100
110 INTEGER(mpi) :: imonmd=0
111 INTEGER(mpi) :: iscerr=0
112 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(2) :: dscerr = (/ 1.0, 1.0 /)
113 INTEGER(mpi) :: keepopen=1
114 INTEGER(mpi) :: ireeof=0
115 INTEGER(mpi) :: mcount=0
116 INTEGER(mpi) :: monpg1=0
117 INTEGER(mpi) :: monpg2=0
118#ifdef LAPACK64
119 INTEGER(mpi) :: ilperr=0
120#ifdef PARDISO
121 INTEGER(mpi) :: ipddbg=0
124 REAL(mps) :: cndlmx=100.0
126 ! variables
127 INTEGER(mpi) :: lunmon
128 INTEGER(mpi) :: lunlog
129 INTEGER(mpi) :: lvllog
130 INTEGER(mpi) :: ntgb
131 INTEGER(mpi) :: nvgb
132 INTEGER(mpi) :: nagb
133 INTEGER(mpi) :: nfgb
134 INTEGER(mpi) :: ncgb
135 INTEGER(mpi) :: ncgbe
136 INTEGER(mpi) :: ntpgrp
137 INTEGER(mpi) :: nvpgrp
138 INTEGER(mpi) :: napgrp
139 INTEGER(mpi) :: npblck
140 INTEGER(mpi) :: ncgrp
141 INTEGER(mpi) :: ncblck
142 INTEGER(mpl) :: mszcon
143 INTEGER(mpl) :: mszprd
144 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(3) :: nprecond
145 INTEGER(mpl) :: mszpcc
146 INTEGER(mpi) :: nagbn
147 INTEGER(mpi) :: nalcn
148 INTEGER(mpi) :: naeqn
149 INTEGER(mpl) :: nrec
150 INTEGER(mpl) :: nrecd
151 INTEGER(mpl) :: neqn
152 INTEGER(mpl) :: negb
153 INTEGER(mpl) :: ndgb
154 INTEGER(mpl) :: nzgb
155 REAL(mps) :: dflim
156 INTEGER(mpl), DIMENSION(6) :: nrejec
157 REAL(mps), DIMENSION(0:8) :: times
158 REAL(mps) :: stepl
159 CHARACTER (LEN=74) :: textl
160 LOGICAL :: newite
161 INTEGER(mpl) :: ndfsum
162 INTEGER(mpi) :: iitera
163 INTEGER(mpi) :: istopa
164 INTEGER(mpi) :: lsinfo
165 REAL :: rstart
166 REAL(mps) :: deltim
167 INTEGER(mpi) :: npresg
168 INTEGER(mpl) :: nrecal
169 INTEGER(mpi) :: ndefec=0
170 INTEGER(mpi) :: ndefpg=0
171 INTEGER(mpi) :: nmiss1=0
172 INTEGER(mpi) :: nalow=0
173 INTEGER(mpi) :: nxlow=0
174 INTEGER(mpi) :: lcalcm
175 INTEGER(mpi) :: nspc=1
176 INTEGER(mpi) :: nencdb
177 INTEGER(mpi) :: nummeas
178 REAL(mpd), PARAMETER :: measbinsize=0.1
179 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(100) :: lbmnrs
180 REAL(mpd) :: fvalue
181 REAL(mpd) :: flines
182 REAL(mpd) :: sumndf
183 INTEGER(mpi) :: nrderr=0
184 INTEGER(mpi) :: mpdbsz=0
185 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(10) :: ipdbsz
187 ! each loop
188 INTEGER(mpi) :: numreadbuffer
189 INTEGER(mpi) :: numblocks
190 INTEGER(mpl) :: sumrecords
191 INTEGER(mpl) :: skippedrecords
192 INTEGER(mpi) :: minrecordsinblock
193 INTEGER(mpi) :: maxrecordsinblock
194 INTEGER(mpi) :: lenglobalvec
195 ! dynamic arrays
196 !======================================================
197 ! global parameters
198 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalparameter
199 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalparcopy
200 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalcorrections
201 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalparstart
202 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalparpresigma
203 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalparpreweight
204 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalparcons
205 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalparcomments
206 ! global matrix, vector
207 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalmatd
208 REAL(mps), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalmatf
209 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalvector
210 INTEGER(mpl), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalrowoffsets
211 INTEGER(mpl), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalcounter
212 ! AVPROD (A*x=b) by MINRES
213 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vecxav
214 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vecbav
215 ! preconditioning
216 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: matprecond
217 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: indprecond
218 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: blockprecond
219 INTEGER(mpl), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: offprecond
220 ! accurate sumation (per thread)
221 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalchi2sumd
222 INTEGER(mpl), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalchi2sumi
223 INTEGER(mpl), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalndfsum
224 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalndfsumw
225 ! auxiliary vectors
226 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: workspaced
227 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: workspacediag
228 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: workspacerow
229 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: workspacelinesearch
230 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: workspacediagonalization
231 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: workspaceeigenvalues
232 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: workspaceeigenvectors
233 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: workspacei
234#ifdef LAPACK64
235 ! LAPACK
236 INTEGER(mpl):: lplwrk=1
237 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: lapackql
238 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: lapacktau
239 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: lapackwork
240 INTEGER(mpl), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: lapackipiv
242 ! constraint matrix, residuals
243 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: matconsproduct
244 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vecconsresiduals
245 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vecconssolution
246 ! constraint sorting, blocks
247 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vecconsstart
248 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: matconsranges
249 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: matconssort
250 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: matconsgroups
251 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vecconsgroupcounts
252 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: matconsgroupstats
253 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: matconsblocks
254 ! monitoring of input residuals
255 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: measindex
256 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: meashists
257 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: measres
258 ! global parameter mapping
259 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalparlabelindex
260 INTEGER(mpl), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalparlabelcounter
261 INTEGER(mpl), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalparlabelzeros
262 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalparhashtable
263 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalparvartototal
264 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalallpartogroup
265 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(-8:0) :: globalparheader = 0
276 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: globaltotindexgroups
277 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalallindexgroups
279 ! row, column information for custom sparse matrix (MINRES)
280 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: sparsematrixcolumns
281 INTEGER(mpl), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: sparsematrixoffsets
282 ! row, column information for CSR3 sparse matrix (PARDISO)
283 INTEGER(mpl), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: csr3rowoffsets
284 INTEGER(mpl), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: csr3columnlist
285 ! read buffer
286 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: readbufferinfo
287 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: readbufferpointer
288 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: readbufferdatai
289 REAL(mpr4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: readbufferdataf
290 REAL(mpr8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: readbufferdatad
291 ! global parameter usage in record
292 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalindexusage
293 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: backindexusage
294 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: appearancecounter
295 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: paircounter
296 ! global parameter usage from all records
297 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: globalindexranges
298 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: matparblockoffsets
299 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vecparblockconoffsets
300 ! local fit
304 ! scratch arrays for local fit
310 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE::scdiag
312 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: localequations
313 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: localcorrections
314 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: localglobalmatrix
315 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: localglobalmap
316 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: localglobalstructure
317 ! update of global matrix
318 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: writebufferinfo
319 REAL(mps), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: writebufferdata
320 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: writebufferindices
321 REAL(mpd), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: writebufferupdates
322 INTEGER(mpi), DIMENSION(-6:6) :: writebufferheader = 0
331 INTEGER(mpi) :: lenparameters=0
332 TYPE(listitem), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: listparameters
333 INTEGER(mpi) :: lenpresigmas=0
334 TYPE(listitem), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: listpresigmas
335 INTEGER(mpi) :: lenconstraints=0
336 TYPE(listitem), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: listconstraints
337 INTEGER(mpi) :: nummeasurements=0
338 INTEGER(mpi) :: lenmeasurements=0
339 TYPE(listitem), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: listmeasurements
340 INTEGER(mpi) :: lencomments=0
341 TYPE(listitemc), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: listcomments
342#ifdef LAPACK64
343#ifdef PARDISO
344 INTEGER(mpi) :: lenpardiso=0
345 TYPE(listitemi), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: listpardiso
346 INTEGER(mpl) :: ipdmem=0
349 INTEGER(mpi) :: lenpostproc=0
350 CHARACTER (LEN=1024) :: cpostproc
351 !======================================================
352 ! file information
366 CHARACTER (LEN=1024) :: filnam
367 INTEGER(mpi) :: nfnam
369 INTEGER(mpi) :: ifile
370 INTEGER(mpi) :: nfiles
371 INTEGER(mpi) :: nfilb
372 INTEGER(mpi) :: nfilf
373 INTEGER(mpi) :: nfilc
374 INTEGER(mpi) :: nfilw
375 INTEGER(mpi) :: ndimbuf=10000
377END MODULE mpmod
Definition of constants.
Definition: mpdef.f90:24
integer, parameter mpd
double precision
Definition: mpdef.f90:38
integer, parameter mpr8
8 byte float
Definition: mpdef.f90:33
integer, parameter mpr4
4 byte float
Definition: mpdef.f90:32
integer, parameter mps
single precision
Definition: mpdef.f90:37
Parameters, variables, dynamic arrays.
Definition: mpmod.f90:28
integer(mpl), dimension(:), allocatable csr3columnlist
list of columns for sparse matrix
Definition: mpmod.f90:284
integer(mpl) mszpcc
(integrated block) matrix size for constraint matrix for preconditioner
Definition: mpmod.f90:145
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable workspaceeigenvectors
workspace eigen vectors
Definition: mpmod.f90:232
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable globalparameter
global parameters (start values + sum(x_i))
Definition: mpmod.f90:198
integer(mpl) nrecal
number of records
Definition: mpmod.f90:168
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable localglobalmap
matrix correlating local and global par, map (counts)
Definition: mpmod.f90:315
type(listitem), dimension(:), allocatable listparameters
list of parameters from steering file
Definition: mpmod.f90:332
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable vecparblockconoffsets
global par block (constraint) offsets
Definition: mpmod.f90:299
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable lapacktau
LAPACK TAU (QL decomp.)
Definition: mpmod.f90:238
integer(mpl) mszprd
(integrated block) matrix size for (constraint) product matrix
Definition: mpmod.f90:143
integer(mpi) lunmon
unit for monitoring output file
Definition: mpmod.f90:127
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable vecconsresiduals
residuals of constraints
Definition: mpmod.f90:244
integer(mpl) nrec1
record number with largest residual
Definition: mpmod.f90:53
integer(mpi) iskpec
flag for skipping empty constraints (no variable parameters)
Definition: mpmod.f90:106
integer(mpi) mnrsel
number of MINRES error labels in LBMNRS (calc err, corr with SOLGLO)
Definition: mpmod.f90:89
real(mps) actfun
actual function change
Definition: mpmod.f90:67
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable globalindexusage
indices of global par in record
Definition: mpmod.f90:292
real(mps) regpre
default presigma
Definition: mpmod.f90:72
integer(mpi) mnrsit
total number of MINRES internal iterations
Definition: mpmod.f90:93
integer(mpi), dimension(10) ipdbsz
PARDISO, list of block sizes to be tried (by PBSBITS)
Definition: mpmod.f90:185
integer(mpi) metsol
solution method (1: inversion, 2: diagonalization, 3: decomposition, 4: MINRES, 5: MINRES-QLP,...
Definition: mpmod.f90:34
integer(mpi) nagbn
max number of global paramters per record
Definition: mpmod.f90:146
character(len=74) textl
name of current MP 'module' (step)
Definition: mpmod.f90:159
integer(mpi) nloopn
number of data reading, fitting loops
Definition: mpmod.f90:43
integer(mpl) sumrecords
sum of records
Definition: mpmod.f90:190
integer(mpi) mreqpe
min number of pair entries
Definition: mpmod.f90:80
integer(mpi) memdbg
debug flag for memory management
Definition: mpmod.f90:96
integer(mpi), dimension(100) lbmnrs
MINRES error labels.
Definition: mpmod.f90:179
integer(mpi) ncgrp
number of (disjoint) constraint groups
Definition: mpmod.f90:140
real(mpd) mrtcnd
transition (QR -> QLP) (matrix) condition for MINRES-QLP
Definition: mpmod.f90:62
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable vbk
local fit 'matrix for border solution'
Definition: mpmod.f90:308
real(mps) prange
range (-PRANGE..PRANGE) for histograms of pulls, norm.
Definition: mpmod.f90:97
integer(mpi), dimension(:,:), allocatable matconsgroupstats
statistics for constraint groups
Definition: mpmod.f90:252
integer(mpi) matsto
(global) matrix storage mode (0: unpacked, 1: full = packed, 2: sparse(custom), 3: sparse(CSR3,...
Definition: mpmod.f90:35
integer(mpi), dimension(:,:), allocatable matconssort
keys and index for sorting
Definition: mpmod.f90:249
character(len=1024) cpostproc
post processing string
Definition: mpmod.f90:350
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable lapackwork
LAPACK work array.
Definition: mpmod.f90:239
integer(mpi) monpg1
progress monitoring, repetition rate start value
Definition: mpmod.f90:116
integer(mpi), dimension(:,:), allocatable readbufferinfo
buffer management (per thread)
Definition: mpmod.f90:286
integer(mpi) nhistp
flag for histogram printout
Definition: mpmod.f90:65
integer(mpl), dimension(:), allocatable csr3rowoffsets
row offsets for column list
Definition: mpmod.f90:283
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable globalparcopy
copy of global parameters
Definition: mpmod.f90:199
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable lapackql
LAPACK QL (QL decomp.)
Definition: mpmod.f90:237
real(mpd), dimension(2) dscerr
scaling factors for errors of 'global' and 'local' measurement
Definition: mpmod.f90:112
real(mps) chhuge
cut in terms of 3-sigma for unreasonable data, all iterations
Definition: mpmod.f90:50
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable sparsematrixcolumns
(compressed) list of columns for sparse matrix
Definition: mpmod.f90:280
integer(mpl), dimension(:,:), allocatable sparsematrixoffsets
row offsets for column list, sparse matrix elements
Definition: mpmod.f90:281
integer(mpi) iteren
entries cut is iterated for parameters with less entries (if > mreqenf)
Definition: mpmod.f90:105
integer(mpi), dimension(:,:), allocatable matconsranges
parameter ranges for constraints
Definition: mpmod.f90:248
integer(mpi) lunkno
flag for unkown keywords
Definition: mpmod.f90:46
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable scflag
local fit workspace (I)
Definition: mpmod.f90:311
real(mpd), parameter measbinsize
bins size for monitoring
Definition: mpmod.f90:178
integer(mpi) mdebug
debug flag (number of records to print)
Definition: mpmod.f90:38
integer(mpi) npblck
number of (disjoint) parameter blocks (>1: block diagonal storage)
Definition: mpmod.f90:139
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable matconsproduct
product matrix of constraints
Definition: mpmod.f90:243
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable yfd
binary file: modification date
Definition: mpmod.f90:365
integer(mpi) nxlow
(max of) global parameters with too few accepted entries for icalcm=1
Definition: mpmod.f90:173
integer(mpl) ndgb
number of global derivatives read
Definition: mpmod.f90:153
real(mps) value1
largest residual
Definition: mpmod.f90:55
integer(mpi) ipddbg
flag for debugging Intel oneMKL PARDISO
Definition: mpmod.f90:121
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable localcorrections
local fit corrections (to residuals)
Definition: mpmod.f90:313
integer(mpl) nrec3
(1.) record number with error
Definition: mpmod.f90:79
real(mps) chirem
cut in terms of 3-sigma cut, other iterations, approaching 1.
Definition: mpmod.f90:49
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable localglobalmatrix
matrix correlating local and global par, content
Definition: mpmod.f90:314
integer(mpi) mhispe
upper bound for pair entry histogrammimg
Definition: mpmod.f90:81
integer(mpi) nfgb
number of fit parameters
Definition: mpmod.f90:133
integer(mpi), dimension(:,:), allocatable kfd
(1,.)= number of records in file, (2,..)= file order
Definition: mpmod.f90:356
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable globalchi2sumd
fractional part of Chi2 sum
Definition: mpmod.f90:221
integer(mpi) icheck
flag for checking input only (no solution determined)
Definition: mpmod.f90:103
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable jfd
file: number of accepted records
Definition: mpmod.f90:358
integer(mpl) nzgb
number of zero global derivatives read
Definition: mpmod.f90:154
integer(mpl) nrecer
record with error (rank deficit or Not-a-Number) for printout
Definition: mpmod.f90:78
integer(mpi) matmon
record interval for monitoring of (sparse) matrix construction
Definition: mpmod.f90:86
integer(mpi) nbndx
max band width for local fit
Definition: mpmod.f90:77
type(listitem), dimension(:), allocatable listconstraints
list of constraints from steering file
Definition: mpmod.f90:336
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable globalmatd
global matrix 'A' (double, full or sparse)
Definition: mpmod.f90:207
real(mpr8), dimension(:), allocatable readbufferdatad
double data
Definition: mpmod.f90:290
type(listitem), dimension(:), allocatable listmeasurements
list of (external) measurements from steering file
Definition: mpmod.f90:339
integer(mpi) lsinfo
line search: returned information
Definition: mpmod.f90:164
integer(mpi) nregul
regularization flag
Definition: mpmod.f90:70
integer(mpi) nfilw
number of weighted binary files
Definition: mpmod.f90:374
integer(mpi) ndefpg
number of parameter groups with rank deficit (from inversion)
Definition: mpmod.f90:170
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable paircounter
number of paired parameters (in equations)
Definition: mpmod.f90:295
integer(mpi) nummeasurements
number of (external) measurements from steering file
Definition: mpmod.f90:337
integer(mpl) nrec2
record number with largest chi^2/Ndf
Definition: mpmod.f90:54
integer(mpi) ndimbuf
default read buffer size (I/F words, half record length)
Definition: mpmod.f90:375
real(mpd) fvalue
function value (chi2 sum) solution
Definition: mpmod.f90:180
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable globalcorrections
correction x_i (from A*x_i=b_i in iteration i)
Definition: mpmod.f90:200
real(mps), dimension(:), allocatable cfd
file: chi2 sum
Definition: mpmod.f90:361
real(mps) regula
regularization parameter, add regula * norm(global par.) to objective function
Definition: mpmod.f90:71
integer(mpi) nspc
number of precision for sparse global matrix (1=D, 2=D+F)
Definition: mpmod.f90:175
integer(mpi) nfilc
number of C binary files
Definition: mpmod.f90:373
integer(mpi) nagb
number of all parameters (var.
Definition: mpmod.f90:132
integer(mpi) nmiss1
rank deficit for constraints
Definition: mpmod.f90:171
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable globalparhashtable
global parameters hash table
Definition: mpmod.f90:262
integer(mpi) nalow
(sum of) global parameters with too few accepted entries
Definition: mpmod.f90:172
integer(mpi) iscerr
flag for scaling of errors
Definition: mpmod.f90:111
real(mpd) sumndf
weighted sum(ndf)
Definition: mpmod.f90:182
integer(mpi), dimension(2) nbndr
number of records with bordered band matrix for local fit (upper/left, lower/right)
Definition: mpmod.f90:75
integer(mpl), dimension(:), allocatable lapackipiv
Definition: mpmod.f90:240
integer(mpi) iterat
iterations in solution
Definition: mpmod.f90:69
real(mpd) flines
function value line search
Definition: mpmod.f90:181
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable meashists
measurement histograms (100 bins per thread)
Definition: mpmod.f90:256
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable globalindexranges
global par ranges
Definition: mpmod.f90:297
integer(mpi) mthrd
number of (OpenMP) threads
Definition: mpmod.f90:84
integer(mpi) mbandw
band width of preconditioner matrix
Definition: mpmod.f90:44
integer(mpl) lplwrk
length of LAPACK WORK array
Definition: mpmod.f90:236
real(mps) dwcut
down-weight fraction cut
Definition: mpmod.f90:57
integer(mpl), dimension(:), allocatable globalcounter
global counter (entries in 'x')
Definition: mpmod.f90:211
real(mps), dimension(:), allocatable globalmatf
global matrix 'A' (float part for compressed sparse)
Definition: mpmod.f90:208
integer(mpi), dimension(:,:), allocatable matconsgroups
start of constraint groups, parameter range
Definition: mpmod.f90:250
real(mps), dimension(0:8) times
cpu time counters
Definition: mpmod.f90:157
integer(mpi) minrecordsinblock
Definition: mpmod.f90:192
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable localglobalstructure
matrix correlating local and global par, (sparsity) structure
Definition: mpmod.f90:316
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable globalndfsumw
weighted NDF sum
Definition: mpmod.f90:224
integer(mpi) naeqn
max number of equations (measurements) per record
Definition: mpmod.f90:148
integer(mpi) nfilb
number of binary files
Definition: mpmod.f90:371
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable vzru
local fit 'border solution'
Definition: mpmod.f90:309
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable globalparpreweight
weight from pre-sigma
Definition: mpmod.f90:203
integer(mpi) ictest
test mode '-t'
Definition: mpmod.f90:33
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable vbdr
local fit border part of 'A'
Definition: mpmod.f90:306
integer(mpi) mdebg2
number of measurements for record debug printout
Definition: mpmod.f90:39
integer(mpi), dimension(:,:), allocatable globaltotindexgroups
Definition: mpmod.f90:276
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable vecconsgroupcounts
counter for constraint groups
Definition: mpmod.f90:251
real(mps) deltim
cpu time difference
Definition: mpmod.f90:166
integer(mpi) igcorr
flag for output of global correlations for inversion, =0: none
Definition: mpmod.f90:95
integer(mpi), dimension(-8:0) globalparheader
global parameters (mapping) header
Definition: mpmod.f90:265
integer(mpi) lencomments
length of list of (global parameter) comments from steering file
Definition: mpmod.f90:340
integer(mpl), dimension(:), allocatable offprecond
preconditioner (block matrix) offsets
Definition: mpmod.f90:219
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable vecconssolution
solution for constraint elimination
Definition: mpmod.f90:245
integer(mpi) nfiles
number of files
Definition: mpmod.f90:370
integer(mpi) ipcntr
flag for output of global parameter counts (entries), =0: none, =1: local fits, >1: binary files
Definition: mpmod.f90:100
integer(mpl) negb
number of equations read with global parameters
Definition: mpmod.f90:152
integer(mpi) keepopen
flag for keeping binary files open
Definition: mpmod.f90:113
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable workspacediagonalization
workspace diag.
Definition: mpmod.f90:230
real(mps), dimension(:), allocatable wfd
binary file: weight
Definition: mpmod.f90:363
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable matprecond
preconditioner matrix (band and other parts)
Definition: mpmod.f90:216
integer(mpi) ntgb
total number of global parameters
Definition: mpmod.f90:130
real(mps) angras
angle between gradient and search direction
Definition: mpmod.f90:68
type(listitemc), dimension(:), allocatable listcomments
list of comments from steering file
Definition: mpmod.f90:341
integer(mpi) mthrdr
number of threads for reading binary files
Definition: mpmod.f90:92
integer(mpi) numreadbuffer
number of buffers (records) in (read) block
Definition: mpmod.f90:188
integer(mpi) imonmd
monitoring mode: 0:residuals (normalized to average error), 1:pulls
Definition: mpmod.f90:110
character(len=1024) filnam
name of steering file
Definition: mpmod.f90:366
integer(mpi) lunlog
unit for logfile
Definition: mpmod.f90:128
integer(mpi) ncblck
number of (non overlapping) constraint blocks
Definition: mpmod.f90:141
real(mps), dimension(3) fcache
read cache, average fill level; write cache; dynamic size
Definition: mpmod.f90:91
real(mps) wolfc2
C_2 of strong Wolfe condition.
Definition: mpmod.f90:60
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable workspacerow
(pivot) row of global matrix (for global corr.)
Definition: mpmod.f90:228
integer(mpi) maxrecordsinblock
Definition: mpmod.f90:193
real(mpd) mrestl
tolerance criterion for MINRES-QLP
Definition: mpmod.f90:61
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable globalparpresigma
pre-sigma for global parameters
Definition: mpmod.f90:202
integer(mpi) icelim
flag for using elimination (instead of multipliers) for constraints
Definition: mpmod.f90:102
integer(mpi) mitera
number of iterations
Definition: mpmod.f90:42
integer(mpi) lenpardiso
length of list of Intel oneMKL PARDISO parameters (indices 1..64)
Definition: mpmod.f90:344
integer(mpi) nbdrx
max border size for local fit
Definition: mpmod.f90:76
integer(mpi), dimension(:,:), allocatable globalparlabelindex
global parameters label, total -> var.
Definition: mpmod.f90:259
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable scdiag
local fit workspace (D)
Definition: mpmod.f90:310
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable readbufferdatai
integer data
Definition: mpmod.f90:288
integer(mpi) mextnd
flag for extended storage (both 'halves' of sym.
Definition: mpmod.f90:83
integer(mpi), dimension(:,:), allocatable sfd
offset (1,..), length (2,..) of binary file name in tfd
Definition: mpmod.f90:364
integer(mpi) lenconstraints
length of list of constraints from steering file
Definition: mpmod.f90:335
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable blockprecond
preconditioner (constraint) blocks
Definition: mpmod.f90:218
integer(mpi) lenparameters
list items from steering file
Definition: mpmod.f90:331
integer(mpi) lprecm
additional flag for preconditioner (band) matrix (>0: preserve rank by skyline matrix)
Definition: mpmod.f90:45
integer(mpi) ndefec
rank deficit for global matrix (from inversion)
Definition: mpmod.f90:169
integer(mpi) lenpostproc
length of post processing string
Definition: mpmod.f90:349
integer(mpl) nrecp2
record number with printout
Definition: mpmod.f90:52
integer(mpl) nrec
number of records read
Definition: mpmod.f90:149
integer(mpi), dimension(:,:), allocatable matparblockoffsets
global par block offsets (parameter, constraint blocks)
Definition: mpmod.f90:298
integer(mpl) nrecpr
record number with printout
Definition: mpmod.f90:51
integer(mpl), dimension(:), allocatable ifd
file: integrated record numbers (=offset)
Definition: mpmod.f90:357
integer(mpi) nofeas
flag for skipping making parameters feasible
Definition: mpmod.f90:64
integer(mpi) matbsz
(global) matrix (fixed) block size, only used for BSR3 storage mode (Intel oneMKL PARDISO)
Definition: mpmod.f90:36
integer(mpi) nfnam
length of sterring file name
Definition: mpmod.f90:367
real rstart
cpu start time for solution iterations
Definition: mpmod.f90:165
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable writebufferindices
write buffer for indices
Definition: mpmod.f90:320
integer(mpi) iforce
switch to SUBITO for (global) rank defects if zero
Definition: mpmod.f90:94
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable workspacelinesearch
workspace line search
Definition: mpmod.f90:229
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable globalparvartototal
global parameters variable -> total index
Definition: mpmod.f90:263
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable clmat
local fit matrix 'A' (in A*x=b)
Definition: mpmod.f90:302
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable lfd
length of file name
Definition: mpmod.f90:354
integer(mpi) ntpgrp
number of parameter groups
Definition: mpmod.f90:136
character, dimension(:), allocatable tfd
file names (concatenation)
Definition: mpmod.f90:368
integer(mpi) ncgbe
number of empty constraints (no variable parameters)
Definition: mpmod.f90:135
integer(mpi) mprint
print flag (0: minimal, 1: normal, >1: more)
Definition: mpmod.f90:37
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable vecconsstart
start of constraint in listConstraints (unsorted input)
Definition: mpmod.f90:247
integer(mpi) nummeas
number of measurement groups for monitoring
Definition: mpmod.f90:177
integer(mpi) lvllog
log level
Definition: mpmod.f90:129
integer(mpi), dimension(3) nprecond
number of constraints (blocks), matrix size for preconditioner
Definition: mpmod.f90:144
integer(mpi) nalcn
max number of local paramters per record
Definition: mpmod.f90:147
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable globalparcomments
global parameters comments
Definition: mpmod.f90:205
integer(mpi) mreqenf
required number of entries (for variable global parameter from binary Files)
Definition: mpmod.f90:40
real(mps) value2
largest chi^2/Ndf
Definition: mpmod.f90:56
integer(mpi) icalcm
calculation mode (for XLOOPN) , >0: calculate matrix
Definition: mpmod.f90:74
integer(mpi) mcount
flag for grouping and counting global parameters on equlation (0) or record (1) level
Definition: mpmod.f90:115
real(mps), dimension(:), allocatable ofd
file: option
Definition: mpmod.f90:362
integer(mpi) ireeof
flag for treating (binary file) read errors as end-of-file
Definition: mpmod.f90:114
integer(mpi) ifile
current file (index)
Definition: mpmod.f90:369
real(mps) delfun
expected function change
Definition: mpmod.f90:66
integer(mpi) iitera
MINRES iterations.
Definition: mpmod.f90:162
integer(mpl) skippedrecords
number of skipped records (buffer too small)
Definition: mpmod.f90:191
integer(mpi) lenmeasurements
length of list of (external) measurements from steering file
Definition: mpmod.f90:338
real(mps) wolfc1
C_1 of strong Wolfe condition.
Definition: mpmod.f90:59
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable aux
local fit 'solutions for border rows'
Definition: mpmod.f90:307
integer(mpi) napgrp
number of all parameter groups (variable + Lagrange mult.)
Definition: mpmod.f90:138
integer(mpl) nrecd
number of records read containing doubles
Definition: mpmod.f90:150
integer(mpi), dimension(:,:), allocatable localequations
indices (ISJAJB) for local equations (measurements)
Definition: mpmod.f90:312
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable globalallpartogroup
all parameters variable -> group index
Definition: mpmod.f90:264
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable backindexusage
list of global par in record
Definition: mpmod.f90:293
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable ibandh
local fit 'band width histogram' (band size autodetection)
Definition: mpmod.f90:303
integer(mpi) isubit
subito flag '-s'
Definition: mpmod.f90:58
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable indprecond
preconditioner pointer array
Definition: mpmod.f90:217
real(mps) dflim
convergence limit
Definition: mpmod.f90:155
integer(mpi) ncache
buffer size for caching (default 100MB per thread)
Definition: mpmod.f90:90
integer(mpi) mxrec
max number of records
Definition: mpmod.f90:85
integer(mpi) mpdbsz
PARDISO, number of block sizes to be tried (by PBSBITS)
Definition: mpmod.f90:184
integer(mpi) lfitnp
local fit: number of iteration to calculate pulls
Definition: mpmod.f90:87
integer(mpl), dimension(6) nrejec
rejected records
Definition: mpmod.f90:156
integer(mpl), dimension(:), allocatable globalparlabelcounter
global parameters label counters
Definition: mpmod.f90:260
integer(mpi) lcalcm
last calclation mode
Definition: mpmod.f90:174
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable globalvector
global vector 'x' (in A*x=b)
Definition: mpmod.f90:209
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable writebufferupdates
write buffer for update matrices
Definition: mpmod.f90:321
integer(mpi) irslvrc
flag for resolving redundancy constraints (two equivalent parameter groups)
Definition: mpmod.f90:107
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable workspaced
(general) workspace (D)
Definition: mpmod.f90:226
integer(mpl) neqn
number of equations (measurements) read
Definition: mpmod.f90:151
integer(mpi) measbins
number of bins per measurement for monitoring
Definition: mpmod.f90:109
integer(mpl) mszcon
(integrated block) matrix size for constraint matrix
Definition: mpmod.f90:142
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable nfd
index (line) in (steering) file
Definition: mpmod.f90:355
integer(mpi) ilperr
flag to calculate parameter errors with LAPACK
Definition: mpmod.f90:119
integer(mpl), dimension(:), allocatable globalparlabelzeros
global parameters label with zero derivative counters
Definition: mpmod.f90:261
integer(mpi) numblocks
number of (read) blocks
Definition: mpmod.f90:189
integer(mpi) ncgb
number of constraints
Definition: mpmod.f90:134
integer(mpi), dimension(:,:), allocatable matconsblocks
start of constraint blocks, parameter range
Definition: mpmod.f90:253
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable workspaceeigenvalues
workspace eigen values
Definition: mpmod.f90:231
integer(mpi) lhuber
Huber down-weighting flag.
Definition: mpmod.f90:47
integer(mpi) nvgb
number of variable global parameters
Definition: mpmod.f90:131
integer(mpi) nfilf
number of Fortran binary files
Definition: mpmod.f90:372
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable measindex
mapping of 1.
Definition: mpmod.f90:255
integer(mpi) istopa
MINRES istop (convergence)
Definition: mpmod.f90:163
integer(mpi) iwcons
flag for weighting of constraints (>0: weighting with globalParLabelCounter, else: none)
Definition: mpmod.f90:101
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable mfd
file mode: cbinary =1, text =2, fbinary=3
Definition: mpmod.f90:353
integer(mpi) nencdb
encoding info (number bits for column counter)
Definition: mpmod.f90:176
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable blvec
local fit vector 'b' (in A*x=b), replaced by 'x'
Definition: mpmod.f90:301
logical newite
flag for new iteration
Definition: mpmod.f90:160
integer(mpi) nrderr
number of binary files with read errors
Definition: mpmod.f90:183
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable measres
average measurement error
Definition: mpmod.f90:257
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable vecxav
vector x for AVPROD (A*x=b)
Definition: mpmod.f90:213
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable globalparstart
start value for global parameters
Definition: mpmod.f90:201
integer(mpi), dimension(-6:6) writebufferheader
write buffer header (-6..-1: updates, 1..6: indices)
Definition: mpmod.f90:322
integer(mpi) monpg2
progress monitoring, repetition rate max increase
Definition: mpmod.f90:117
integer(mpl), dimension(:), allocatable globalrowoffsets
row offsets for full or unpacked matrix
Definition: mpmod.f90:210
integer(mpi) lenpresigmas
length of list of pre-sigmas from steering file
Definition: mpmod.f90:333
integer(mpi) npresg
number of pre-sigmas
Definition: mpmod.f90:167
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable appearancecounter
appearance statistics for global par (first/last file,record)
Definition: mpmod.f90:294
integer(mpi) nvpgrp
number of variable parameter groups
Definition: mpmod.f90:137
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable xfd
file: max.
Definition: mpmod.f90:360
integer(mpi) mreqena
required number of entries (for variable global parameter from Accepted local fits)
Definition: mpmod.f90:41
real(mps), dimension(:,:), allocatable writebufferdata
write buffer data (largest residual, Chi2/ndf, per thread)
Definition: mpmod.f90:319
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable workspacediag
diagonal of global matrix (for global corr.)
Definition: mpmod.f90:227
integer(mpl) ndfsum
Definition: mpmod.f90:161
integer(mpi) lenglobalvec
length of global vector 'b' (A*x=b)
Definition: mpmod.f90:194
real(mps) stepl
step length (line search)
Definition: mpmod.f90:158
integer(mpi) msngpe
upper bound for pair entry single precision storage
Definition: mpmod.f90:82
real(mps) cndlmx
cut on log10(condition of band part) of local (bordered-band matrix) fit
Definition: mpmod.f90:124
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable vecbav
vector b for AVPROD (A*x=b)
Definition: mpmod.f90:214
integer(mpl), dimension(:), allocatable globalchi2sumi
integer part of Chi2 sum
Definition: mpmod.f90:222
integer(mpl) ipdmem
memory (kB) used by Intel oneMKL PARDISO
Definition: mpmod.f90:346
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable readbufferpointer
pointer to used buffers
Definition: mpmod.f90:287
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable workspacei
(general) workspace (I)
Definition: mpmod.f90:233
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable globalparcons
global parameters (number of) constraints
Definition: mpmod.f90:204
integer(mpi), dimension(:,:), allocatable writebufferinfo
write buffer management (per thread)
Definition: mpmod.f90:318
integer(mpl), dimension(:), allocatable globalndfsum
NDF sum.
Definition: mpmod.f90:223
integer(mpi) matrit
matrix calculation up to iteration MATRIT
Definition: mpmod.f90:73
real(mpd), dimension(:), allocatable vbnd
local fit band part of 'A'
Definition: mpmod.f90:305
real(mpr4), dimension(:), allocatable readbufferdataf
float data
Definition: mpmod.f90:289
type(listitemi), dimension(:), allocatable listpardiso
list of Intel oneMKL PARDISO parameters
Definition: mpmod.f90:345
integer(mpi) lfitbb
local fit: check for bordered band matrix (if >0)
Definition: mpmod.f90:88
integer(mpi) lsearch
iterations (solutions) with line search: >2: all, =2: all with (next) Chi2 cut scaling factor =1....
Definition: mpmod.f90:98
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable dfd
file: ndf sum
Definition: mpmod.f90:359
integer(mpi) ichkpg
flag for checking (rank of) parameter groups
Definition: mpmod.f90:104
type(listitem), dimension(:), allocatable listpresigmas
list of pre-sgmas from steering file
Definition: mpmod.f90:334
integer(mpi), dimension(:), allocatable globalallindexgroups
Definition: mpmod.f90:277
integer(mpi) mrmode
MINRES-QLP mode (0: QR+QLP, 1: only QR, 2: only QLP factorization)
Definition: mpmod.f90:63
real(mps) chicut
cut in terms of 3-sigma cut, first iteration
Definition: mpmod.f90:48
integer(mpi) imonit
flag for monitoring residuals per local fit cycle (=0: none, <0: all, bit 0: first,...
Definition: mpmod.f90:108
list items from steering file
Definition: mpdef.f90:40
character list items from steering file
Definition: mpdef.f90:47
integer list items from steering file
Definition: mpdef.f90:52