Millepede-II V04-17-05

General experience:

In the ideal case the track and geometry models are correct and complete, the measurement errors are gaussian and described perfectly and all dependencies are linear. With this (probably unrealistic) requirements pede should end normally (exit code 0 (in millepede.end)).

In the real world measurement errors can be non gaussian (e.g. binary readout or multiple scattering (tails)) or dependencies non linear (e.g. curvature or rotations). Therefore pede usually ends with warnings (exit code 1).

In case of problems with the linear equation system (e.g. too few measurements, linear dependent constraints or global matrix not positive definite) pede still tries to get a solution and ends with severe warnings (exit code 2). The solution is very probable not reliable and should be 'handled with care'. The pede input (steering and binary files) should be checked thoroughly.


In case of severe (usually technical) problems pede aborts (exit code >= 10). It may be helpful to check the pede input (steering and binary files).

For 'too many rejects' (exit code 26) usually the measurement errors are largely underestimated. It may help to inflate those in pede (command scaleerrors) or to skip the internal iterations (command subito or command line option -s) to get some solution.

Segmentation fault

In case of segmentation faults the OpenMP stack size may be to small (default 8M?). Increased by defining the shell variable OMP_STACKSIZE:

   export OMP_STACKSIZE=32M

For further debugging one should add the compiler options "-g -fcheck=all -fbacktrace" to the F_FLAGS in the Makefile and recompile.