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Millepede-II V04-17-04
Create text and binary files for wire chamber test case, set ictest to 1.
Create text and binary files for silicon strip tracker test case using track-models with different accounting for multiple scattering, set ictest to 2..6.
Solution is not iterated. Automatically switched on in case of rank deficits for constraints.
Force iterating of solution (in case of rank deficits for constraints).
Check input (binary files, constraints). No solution is determined. (icheck=1)
Check input (binary files, constraints, appearance). No solution is determined. (icheck=2)
In general the commands are defined by a single line:
keyword number1 number2 ...
For those specifying properties of the global parameters (keyword = parameter
, constraint
or measurement
(or comment
)) for each involved global parameter (identified by a label) one additional line follows:
label number1 number2 ...
Default values for the numerical arguments are shown in the command descriptions in '[]'. Missing arguments without default values have no effect.
Set band width mbandw for MINRES preconditioner to number1 [0] and additional flag lprecm to number2 [0].
Enable for PARDISO storage in BSR3 format (three-array variation of the block compressed sparse row format). Provide (one to ten, increasingly ordered) candidate block sizes. The block size with the smallest memory footprint (of the global matrix in BSR3 format) is selected.
Set (read+write) cache size ncache to number1. Define cache size and average fill level.
Following binaries are C files.
Set check input flag icheck to number1 [1]. Similar to -c or -C. For mpmod::icheck "icheck" >0 no solution is performed but input statistics is checked in detail. With mpmod::icheck "icheck" >1 the appearance range (first/last file,record and number of files) of global parameters is determined too.
Set flag ichkpg to 1 (true) to enable the checking of (the rank of) parameter groups.
For local fit setChi^2 cut chicut to number1 [1.], chirem to number2 [1.].
Define comments for global parameters.
Obsolete. Compression is default.
Set flag keepOpen to zero to enable closing and reopening of binary files to limit the number of concurrently open files.
Define constraints for global parameters.
Set flag mcount to 1 (true) to enable parameter counting om record level.
Set number of records with debug printout mdebug to number1 [3], number of measurements with printout mdebg2 to number2.
Set PARDISO message level ipddbg to number1 [0]. Dump steering array IPARM(64)
for value > 0.
Set down-weighting fraction cut dwcut to number1 (max. 0.5).
Set entries cuts for variable global parameter mreqenf to number1 [25], mreqena to number2 [10] and iteren to the product of number1 and number3 [0].
Define (up to 100 in total) global labels number1 .. numberN for which the parameter errors are calculated for method MINRES too (by solving ).
Set force (iterations) flag iforce to 1 (true). Same as -f.
Following binaries are Fortran files.
Set flag igcorr for output of global correlations to 1 (true).
Set flag nhistp for histogram printout to 1 (true).
For local fit set Chi^2 cut chhuge for unreasonable data to number1 [1.].
Set maximum value iteren for iteration of entries cut to number1 [maxint]. Can alternatively be set by the entries command. For parameters with less entries the cut will be iterated ignoring measurements with at least one parameter below mreqenf.
Set flag ilperr for calculation of inverse matrix for parameter errors by LAPACK to 1 (true).
The mode lsearch of the line search to improve the solution is set to number1.
For local fit set number of iterations lfitnp with calculation of pulls to number1, flag lfitbb for auto-detection of bordered band matrices to number2.
Set number of iterations matrit with (re)calcuation of global matrix to number1.
Set record interval matmon for monitoring of (sparse) matrix construction to number1.
Set maximal Log10(condition) of decomposition of band part for local fit cndlmx to number1. Records with larger condition will be rejected.
Set record limit mxrec to number1.
Define (additional) measurements for global parameters.
Set debug flag memdbg for memory management to number1 [1].
Has special format:
method name number1 number2
Set solution method metsol and storage mode matsto according to name, (inversion
: (1,1), diagonalization
: (2,1), decomposition
: (3,1), fullMINRES
: (4,1) or sparseMINRES
: (4,2), fullMINRES-QLP
: (5,1) or sparseMINRES-QLP
: (5,2), fullLAPACK
factorization : (7,1), unpackedLAPACK
factorization : (8,0)), sparsePARDISO
factorization : (9,3) (minimum) number of iterations mitera to number1, convergence limit dflim to number2.
and diagonalization
provide in addition to the solution the parameter errors (from the diagonal of the inverted global matrix). Solutions with MINRES
are only approximate.
Set flag imonit for monitoring of residuals to number1 [3] and increase number of bins (of size 0.1) for internal storage to number2 [100]. Monitoring mode imonmd is 0.
Set flag imonit for monitoring of pulls to number1 [3] and increase number of bins (of size 0.1) for internal storage to number2 [100]. Monitoring mode imonmd is 1.
For progress monitoring set for repetition rate nrep
the start value monpg1 to number1 [1] and maximum increase monpg2 to number2 [1024]. Monitored are operations (inversion, decomposition, similarity) on the global and the constraints matrices. If the (outermost loop) index is greater equal nrep
the index is printed and nrep
updated (+ min(nrep
, monpg2
Set MINRES-QLP factorization mode mrmode to number1.
Set MINRES-QLP transition (matrix) condition mrtcnd to number1.
Set tolerance criterion mrestl for MINRES to number1 ( ..
Set flag nofeas for skipping making parameters feasible to number1 [1].
For local fit set number of outlier down-weighting iterations lhuber to number1.
Set entries cut for variable global parameter pairs mreqpe to number1, histogram upper bound mhispe for pairs to number2 (<1: no histogramming), upper bound msngpe for pair entries with single precision storage to number3.
Define initial value, pre-sigma for global parameters.
Modify for PARDISO the internal steering parameters.
Define post processing string. Will be executed by system at end of pede.
Set default pre-sigma regpre to number1 [1].
Set print level mprint to number1 [1].
Set flag ipcntr to number1 [1]. The counters for the global parameters from the accepted local fits (=1) or from the binary files (>1) will be printed in the result file. Alternatively the counters for zero global derivatives from the binary files (<0) can be selected.
Record numbers with printout.
Set (symmetric) range prange for histograms of pulls, normalized residuals to number1 (=0: auto-ranging).
Set flag ireeof to 1 (true) to treat read errors for binary files as end-of-file instead of aborting.
Set flag nregul for regularization to 1 (true), regularization parameter regula to number2, default pre-sigma regpre to number3.
Set flag nregul for regularization to 1 (true), regularization parameter regula to number2, default pre-sigma regpre to number3.
Set flag irslvrc to 1 (true). Redundancy constraints will be resolved (parameters appearing in constraints will be fixed, constraints skipped).
Set measurement scaling factors dscerr to number1 [1.] and number2 [number1]. First value is for "global" measurements (with global derivatives), second for "local" measurements (without global derivatives).
Set flag iskpec to 1 (true). Empty constraints (without variable parameters) will be skipped.
Set subito (no iterations) flag isubit to 1 (true). Same as -s.
Set number mthrd of OpenMP™ threads for processing to number1, number mthrdr of threads for reading binary files to number2 [number1].
Set flag iwcons to number1 [1]. Implements weighted constraints for global parameters.
Set flag icelim to 1 (true). Selects solution by elimination for linear equality constraints.
Set flag icelim to 2 (LAPACK). Selects solution by elimination for linear equality constraints with LAPACK. Only available for unpacked LAPACK!
Set flag icelim to 0 (false). Selects solution by Lagrange multipliers for linear equality constraints.
For strong Wolfe condition in line search set parameter wolfc1 to number1, wolfc2 to number2.