ECFA Study of Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider

ECFA Study of Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider

Topic of the Study Goals Working Groups Upcoming Events LC Notes Technology Choice Topics of Interest
ECFA Organizing committee Worldwide Linear Collider Studies Official and Press Statements on Linear Collider Policy Extended ECFA/DESY Study (2001-2003) 2nd ECFA/DESY Study (1998-2000) DESY

Goals of the ECFA Study on Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider


  • to contribute to the development of a Global Linear Collider programme by encouraging international collaboration on the physics case, on detector R&D and on the machine-detector interface.
  • to participate in the international LCWS workshops (the Saariselka series).
  • to explore ways of co-ordinating and perhaps integrating the regional and worldwide workshop series.

Detector design, R&D, Simulation

  • to design, build and test detector prototypes (with inter-regional collaboration).
  • to maintain the detector design, and critically review its performance on all important physics channels.
  • to build up a modern simulation framework (both for detector and physics studies) sharing resources with the other regions whenever possible
  • to prepare all tools necessary for a "simulated data challenge"

Machine-Detector Interface

  • study the impact of realistic beams and the associated backgrounds on the detector.
  • when the linac technology and crossing angle choice has been made, update all designs to match.
  • interact with the designers of the beam delivery system to ensure that physics goals can be achieved.
  • participate in planning and R&D for polarimetry, beam energy measurement, beam monitoring, luminosity measurement.
  • study the special requirements of the gamma-gamma, e-gamma and GigaZ options.

Physics Case

  • co-operate with LHC colleagues to develop and present the arguments for concurrent running of LC and LHC.
  • explore the connections between the LC physics programme and cosmology.
  • continue to upgrade feasibility studies on important physics channels, with more realistic beam, background and detector simulation.
  • before the linac technology choice is made (end 2004), explore any differences between the physics capabilities of the candidate technologies.
  • study quantitatively the potential systematic limitations on measurements and look for ways around them.
  • quantify the physics benefits from options to upgrade or vary the LC programme: from the energy upgrade, from e- e-, e- gamma and gamma gamma, from the Giga Z, from e+ polarisation, from narrower beam energy spread, from better polarimetry and spectrometry.
  • in the Loopverein: continue to improve precision of Standard Model and Supersymmetric predictions to match the expected precision of experimental measurements with the LC.
  • to continue to investigate new theoretical ideas, both strategic and methodological.
  • to continue development of Monte Carlo generators suitable for LC physics.
  As the organising committee of the Extended ECFA/DESY Study, we propose that ECFA should support these activities for a further two years, from Spring 2003. The three ECFA-supported studies so far have played an enormously important role in preparing the case for the linear collider. This case has been endorsed by representative bodies in Europe, America and Asia. An International Linear Collider Steering Group has been formed,
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