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SUBROUTINE HWEPRO - When NEVHEP=0, chooses $x$ values and finds weight for process IPROC; otherwise, chooses and loads all variables for hard process

Routine from HERWIG [1]; not included in QCDINS package.

In this subroutine a hard process routine is called twice. The first call, with the variable GENEV set to .FALSE., requests for the generation of an event weight by the hard process routine. The second call, with GENEV now .TRUE., asks for event generation to be completed and the event record to be written into the standard HEPDATA common block.

In the context of QCDINS this proceeds as follows:

In the first call the following steps are performed:

If the event is accepted, i.e. if GENEV is now .TRUE., the following steps are performed in HWEPRO:

Table 1: Variables (re-)set in HWEPRO.
Name Description
GENEV Flag for event generation
GAMWT Weight from photon generation
EVWGT Event weight corresponding to the cross section (1)
NWGTS Number of event weights
WGTSUM Sum of event weights according
WSQSUM Sum of squared event weights

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A. Ringwald and F. Schrempp
