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SUBROUTINE QIHINS - Generates instanton subprocess Bjorken variables $Q^{\prime 2}$ and $x^\prime$ and Monte Carlo weight

In this routine the Bjorken variables $Q^{\prime 2}$ and $x^\prime$ are generated and a Monte Carlo weight corresponding to the integral

\int\limits_{Q^{\prime 2}_{\rm min}}^{Q^{\prime 2}_{\rm max}...
...^{\prime 2}\ \sigma^{(I)}_{q^\prime g}(x^\prime, Q^{\prime 2})
\end{displaymath} (1)

is calculated. Here $\sigma^{(I)}_{q^\prime g}$ denotes the instanton-induced $q^\prime g$ total cross section from Ref. [1]. This proceeds in the following steps:

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A. Ringwald and F. Schrempp
