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Perturbative Calculations

Perturbative QCD calculations can be performed in the formalism of collinear factorization in which the DGLAP evolution equations [59] are used to describe the radiation of partons from the initial parton distribution in the proton and in the photon. In the collinear factorization ansatz the parton distributions in the proton (and the photon) are assumed to depend only on the scaling variable $ x$ and an energy scale $ \mu$, usually the photon virtuality $ Q^2$. In particular, the initial partons in the proton are assumed to carry no transverse momentum. In the evolution, the partons are treated as massless on-shell particles. Factorization and renormalization scale parameters are used to absorb divergent parts of the perturbation series into parton distributions and $ \alpha_S$. In the DGLAP scheme, calculations up to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) have become available recently, e.g.for inclusive cross sections [60].

In other approaches, such as the BFKL evolution equation [61,62,63,64], and later the CCFM evolution equation [65], the so-called $ k_t$ factorization formalism is used which is described in section 2.5.

Heavy Quark production poses a particular theoretical challenge as the presence of the heavy quark mass $ m_c$ or $ m_b$ introduces a new scale into the perturbative calculations. Quantitative calculations for heavy quark production at HERA have been performed by a number of authors, providing detailed results up to next-to-leading order in perturbation theory. Predictions for inclusive heavy quark distributions, as derived from fits to inclusive data from HERA and fixed target experiments [66,67,68,69], are available as a function of $ Q^2$ and $ x$. In global fits also other data, such as dijet data have been used [70,71,72,73,74,75,76]. Predictions for exclusive processes in which the topologies of the two quarks are explicitly taken into account, are available as a function of a number of variables, such as the transverse momenta $ p_t$ and/or pseudo-rapidity $ \eta $ for one or both of the heavy quarks and/or jets (see section 2.1).

Different schemes to calculate heavy quark production processes have been developed in the framework of collinear factorization which are expected to be valid in different kinematic regions:

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Andreas Meyer 2006-02-13