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The dominant production process of heavy quarks at HERA
has been seen to be the boson-gluon fusion process (BGF) which is depicted
in fig.1.
Figure 1:
Diagram of the process of Boson-Gluon Fusion in
Theory calculations use a factorization ansatz in order to arrive at cross section
predictions which can be compared with experimental data.
In these factorization approaches, the cross section is composed of
a non-perturbative part, which is given by the parton distributions of
the initial state particles
, the perturbative evolution
according to the evolution equation and a perturbative hard scattering
process, i.e.the photon-parton cross section
which is calculable
in perturbative QCD:
(1) |
In addition, to predict production cross sections for heavy hadrons
and/or other exclusive final states, the fragmentation of the
heavy quark into a hadron and additional final state particles
are considered.
Based on the assumption of universality,
the non-calculable non-perturbative parts, i.e.usually the parton
distributions and fragmentation functions
are taken from measurements of other processes at
HERA or other experiments. A number of conditions apply to HERA:
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Andreas Meyer