In deep inelastic scattering the finite photon virtuality ensures that the timescale at which the process takes place is short and the photon acts like a point-like exchange boson. Towards smaller photon virtualities the photon becomes quasi-real and in photoproduction it can fluctuate into a hadronic final state. In resolved-photon processes (figs. 5b to d), the photon fluctuates into a hadronic state before the hard interaction and acts as a source of partons, one of which takes part in the hard interaction. Like for protons, the structure of resolved photons can be described by a photon structure function.
The size of these photon structure functions depends both on the approach in which the parton evolution is described (DGLAP, BFKL or CCFM equations) and on the order of the perturbative expansion. In the DGLAP approach, at next-to-leading order, most of the photon-structure is included in the hard matrix elements and the contributions from processes with resolved photons becomes small ( ). Calculations using factorization are able to give a reasonable description of the contributions from resolved photons already at leading order.
Parton density distributions for the photon have been extracted from measurements collisions at LEP [101]. In so-called Hadron-like processes a gluon from the photon interacts with a gluon from the proton (gluon-gluon-fusion, fig. 5b) to form a quark anti-quark final state. In contrast, in excitation processes (figs. 5c and d) the heavy quark is a constituent of the resolved photon. These contributions are relevant in the massless scheme where the heavy quarks are active partons in the photon. The two excitation diagrams differ mainly in the propagators of the hard matrix element. While the quark (i.e.fermion) propagator should cause the cross section to follow a behavior the gluon (i.e.boson) propagator defines a behavior, as in Rutherford scattering. Here, is the polar angle between the final state charm quark and the proton direction in the center-of-mass frame of the incoming hard partons.
Experimentally, the signature for resolved photon processes is the presence of a photon remnant, i.e.a low momentum hadronic final state which carries away part of the initial photon energy which is not transfered to the parton participating in the hard process. In dijet events, the two leading jets provide a measure of the two hard final state partons and the fraction of the photon energy, in the proton rest frame, entering the hard interaction can be estimated using the observable
(3) |
For the direct process (fig.5a), approaches unity, as the hadronic final state consists of only the two hard jets and the proton remnant in the forward region which contributes little to .
Detailed studies of the heavy quark final states separately for resolved-type ( ) and direct-type ( ) events allow to gain quantitative understanding of the size of the different contributions and allow to test the assumption of universality of the photon structure function. Data analyses in which jets from gluons and quarks can be distinguished and different final state topologies can be separated, may be able to provide further tests of the validity of these concepts1.