List of Talks


  1. BulletMulti parton interactions and underlying events at HERA and the LHC,

  2. Seminar at Brussels University, 27 March 2009 and University Antwerp, 14 July 2009

  3. BulletForward Jets/Parton Cascade Dynamics at LHeC

  4. LHeC meeting Divonne 1.-3. Sept 2008

  5. BulletFrom HERA to the LHC

  6. University Frankfurt 12. June 2008

  7. BulletThe strings between experiment and theory

  8. Gosta Gustafson Symposium, University Lund, 8. Jan 2008

  9. BulletFrom HERA to the LHC (part1, part2)

  10. Graduiertenkolleg Gauge Theories, Bullay 2. Oct 2007