QCD and Monte Carlos (2015)


QCD and Monte Carlos

Lecture Course

Winter 2015

Hannes Jung (DESY, U Antwerp)

University Antwerp

The lecture course is intended for master students, PhD students and postdocs. It covers a basic introduction to QCD and the QCD evolution equations (DGLAP, BFKL and CCFM).

A basic introduction to Monte Carlo methods will be given, and these methods will be applied to calculate cross sections and the evolution of parton densities.

We will go through the latest QCD results from LHC.

During the course we will learn, how to write a small program to integrate a partonic cross section. We will apply Monte Carlo methods to solving the DGLAP evolution equation and to calculate the transverse momentum spectrum of Higgs production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC.

The course is held at University Antwerp, in blocks of lectures with exercise sessions.

Lectures will be on                                

Monday 12. Oct           13:45 - 17:00  U203

Tuesday 13. Oct           13:45 - 17:00  U203

Monday 26. Oct          13:45 - 17:00  U203

Tuesday 27.Oct           13:45 - 17:00  U203

Monday 16. Nov         13:45 - 17:00  U203

Thursday 19. Nov       13:45 - 17:00  U203


Wednesday 14. Oct     13:45 - 17:00  U406  

Thursday 15. Oct         13:45 - 17:00  U203    

Wednesday 28. Oct     13:45 - 17:00  U406    

Thursday 29. Oct         13:45 - 17:00  U203  

Tuesday 17. Nov         13:45 - 17:00  U203   

Wednesday 18. Nov   13:45 - 17:00  U406  




MC and statistics:

G. Bohm and G. Zech.

Introduction to statistics and measurement analysis for physicists. Hamburg, Germany: DESY (2005) 331 p.

G. Cowan.

Statistical data analysis. Oxford, UK: Clarendon (1998) 197 p.

D. E. Knuth.

The Art of Computer Programming Volumes 1-3 Boxed Set. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, USA, 1998.


Y.L. Dokshitzer, V. A. Khoze, A. H. Mueller, and S. I. Troian.

Basics of perturbative QCD. Gif-sur-Yvette, France: Ed. Frontieres (1991)

  1. R.K. Ellis, W. J. Stirling, and B. R. Webber.

QCD and collider physics. Camb. Monogr. Part. Phys. Nucl. Phys. Cosmol., 8:1–435, 1996.

  1. R.D. Field.

Applications of Perturbative QCD. Front. Phys., 77:1–366, 1989.

  1. F.Halzen and A. D. Martin.


Monte Carlo Tutorial     J. Vermaseren (Nikhef) 2008

C++/ROOT (Tutorial)  B.List (University Hamburg) 2007