Millepede-II V04-17-04
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 millepede1.f90Millepede(-I) subroutines
 mp1to2.f90Millepede-I to Millepede-II interface
 compareResults.pyCompare two millepede results files
 readMilleBinary.pyRead millepede binary file and print records
 readPedeHists.CROOT script to read pede histograms
 tinypede.pyTiny PEDE implementation
 Dbandmatrix.f90Symmetric (band) matrix routines
 linesrch.f90Line search
 Mille.ccCreate Millepede-II C-binary record
 mille.f90Write Millepede-II F-binary record
 Mille.hDefine class Mille
 minresDataModule.f90MINRES (data) definitions
 minresModule.f90MINRES algorithm
 minresqlpBlasModule.f90MINRES-QLP BLAS subroutines
 minresqlpDataModule.f90MINRES-QLP (data) definitions
 minresqlpModule.f90MINRES-QLP algorithm
 mpbits.f90Bit field counters
 mpbrlf.f90-t=BRLF test case
 mpdalc.f90Dynamic memory management
 mphistab.f90Histogramming package
 mpmanvb.f90Draft Manual by V.Blobel
 mpmod.f90Data structures
 mpmon.f90Progress monitoring
 mpnum.f90General linear algebra routines
 mpqldec.f90QL decompostion
 mptest1.f90MC for simple 100 plane chamber
 mptest2.f90MC for simple 10 layer silicon strip tracker
 mptext.f90Analyse text string
 pede.f90Millepede II program, subroutines
 randoms.f90Random numbers
 readc.cRead from C/C++ binary files
 vertpr.f90Print vertical