

Maintained installations at facilities

This page aims to be an up-to-date directory of how to get access to CrystFEL where it is installed at facilities. Many of these installations are manintained by the facility staff rather than the CrystFEL authors. Please get in touch if you have updates to any of the information here.

DESY and European XFEL (Maxwell HPC system)

Installations of the most recent few CrystFEL versions are maintained under /software/crystfel. To get access, load the "maxwell" module and then "crystfel/<version>". For example:

$ module load maxwell crystfel/0.11.0

A development version is available as crystfel/0-devel:

$ module load maxwell crystfel/0-devel

These versions include Xgandalf, Pinkindexer and MOSFLM. They use HDF5 1.12 and should therefore be compatible with European XFEL virtual dataset (VDS) files.

Simply running "module load maxwell crystfel" will give you the latest stable version.

The installations under /gpfs/cfel/group/cxi/common/public/development/crystfel and /opt/crystfel are deprecated and no longer updated. Use module load maxwell crystfel/0-devel instead.

SLAC/LCLS (SLAC Shared Science Data Facility)

An installation of CrystFEL is available, maintained by us, on the SLAC Shared Science Data Facility (S3DF). First log in to one of the interactive nodes, as described in the S3DF documentation. Next, set up your environment as follows:

$ export MODULEPATH=$MODULEPATH:/sdf/group/lcls/ds/tools/crystfel/modulefiles

Then you can load the module for the version you want. For example:

$ module load crystfel/0.11.0

Or, for the latest development version (updated nightly):

$ module load crystfel/0-devel

Older versions of CrystFEL are available on the old 'psana' computing system, but they are no longer supported.

Diamond Light Source

CrystFEL is available via modules. To get the latest version, simply run:

$ module load crystfel

Older versions are available as well:

$ module avail crystfel
crystfel/0.10.0(default) crystfel/0.7.0           crystfel/0.9.0
crystfel/0.6.3           crystfel/0.8.0           crystfel/0.9.1

SACLA HPC system

CrystFEL is provided as part of the SACLA SFX data analysis environment maintained by Takanori Nakane:

$ source ~sacla_sfx_app/

SBGrid Consortium laboratories

CrystFEL is installed and supported at SBGrid Consortium laboratories.

Paul Scherrer Institut (SwissFEL, SLS)

CrystFEL is included in the MX software environment. To get access:

$ source /etc/scripts/

There are also modules available for individual CrystFEL versions, for example:

$ module load crystfel/0.9.1
$ module load crystfel/0.9.1-pink

Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL-XFEL, PLS-II)

CrystFEL is available on the KISTI system at PAL. Further information here.