bondorder_analysis Subroutine

public subroutine bondorder_analysis(p, b, d, output, bondorder)

Calculates bond-order btw atoms. -diagonal elements- should be ignored (in practice they are juat the Mulliken charges) revised 13.09.2016 by Ludger: Bond order is See e.g. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, VOL. XXVI, I S 1-154 ( 1984)

if( OUTPUT <0 ) no print-out


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(param) :: p
type(basis) :: b
real(kind=long), intent(in) :: d(b%n_basis,b%n_basis)
integer, intent(in) :: output
real(kind=long), intent(out), optional, target :: bondorder(p%n_nuc,p%n_nuc)