
ModuleSource FileDescription
absorption ../../absorption.f90

Module for calculating bound-bound aborption transition cross sections

anglib ../../anglib.f90

Library of angular momentum coupling coefficient routines in fortran 90 Paul Stevenson, Oxford University/Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Modified by Robin Santra on 10/10/02 from single to double precision. Paul D. Stevenson's page (as of August 2023): ORCiD: 0000-0003-2645-2569

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angular ../../angular.f90

Angular 2D Grid module written by Son, Sang-Kil in May 2007

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angularintegration ../../angularintegration.f90

module to perform angular integration

atom ../../atom.f90

Atomic data extracted from OCTOPUS, written by Son, Sang-Kil in Nov. 2004 - Dec. 2004

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atom_in_mol ../../atom_in_mol.f90

ATOM_IN_MOLECULE module to define atomic data within a molecule written by Son, Sang-Kil in Mar. 2014

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augerrates ../../augerrates.f90

This module is for the calculation of Auger rates via one-center approximation

averaging ../../averaging.f90

averaging module This module consists of tools that are required for averaging occupations scheme for averaging within different MO subspaces as specified by the strutures P%av_occ(:)

basis_func ../../basis_func.f90

BASIS_FUNC module to define basis-set functions from atomic orbitals represented on multicenter molecular grids written by Son, Sang-Kil and Hao, Yajiang in Mar. 2014

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cis ../../cis.f90

CIS module to compute CIS excited states

constants ../../constants.f90

CONSTANTS : basic constants for precision, numbers, and std input/output physical constants from NIST written by Son, Sang-Kil in Feb. 2004 rewritten by Son, Sang-Kil in Mar. 2005 adding physical constants

cubefile ../../cubefile.f90

This module provides output in the Gaussian cube file format

eigen_lapack ../../eigen_lapack.f90

Eigenproblem module : to solve eigenvalue problem using LAPACK written by Son, Sang-Kil in Mar. 2005 davidson algorithm and interface to krylov library added by Ludger Inhester 2023 USAGE: H should be a regular N x N matrix. Eigenvectors are normalized after each subroutine. - SR get_eigenvalues( H, E ) for all ev. / standard eigen problem get_eigenvalues( A, B, E ) for all ev. / generalized eigen problem . SR get_all_ev_of_real_sym( H, E, yes_verbose ) . SR get_all_ev_of_real_nonsym( H, E, VL, VR, yes_verbose ) . SR get_all_ev_of_real_nonsym_simple( H, E, yes_verbose ) . SR get_all_ev_of_complex_Hermitian( H, E, yes_verbose ) . SR get_all_ev_of_complex_sym( H, E, yes_verbose ) . SR get_all_ev_of_complex_nonsym( H, E, VL, VR, yes_verbose ) . SR get_gen_all_ev_real_sym( A, B, E, yes_verbose ) . SR get_gen_all_ev_real_nonsym( A, B, E, VL, VR, yes_verbose ) - SR get_eigenvalues( H, E, m, E0, dE ) for selected ev. *** NOT YET IMPLEMENTED

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elec_config ../../elec_config.f90

module to specify electronic configuration/ occupation pattern in molecules copied parts from XATOM to XMOLECULE

finitetemp ../../finitetemp.f90

this module contains all subroutines related to finite temperature calculation

fluorescence ../../fluorescence.f90

This module is for the calculation of Fluorescence rates written by Ludger Inhester in 2014/2015 at DESY CFEL

functional_xc ../../functional_xc.f90

DFT calculation for the atomic system using the GPS discretization written by Son, Sang-Kil in Nov. 2004 modified by Son, Sang-Kil in Jul. 2010 implementing more functionals

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gaussian ../../gaussian.f90

read Gaussian Basis set and wavefunction interfaces to libcint to calculate integrals

gaussian_cphf ../../gaussian_cphf.f90

Solves the Coupled Perturbed Hartree-Fock Equations HF case, Gaussian basis max_iter and convergence criterion from SCF parameters 2017,2018 @ CFEL

gps ../../gps.f90

Generalized Pseudospectral Method Module written by Son, Sang-Kil in Dec. 2003 - Feb. 2004 rewritten by Son, Sang-Kil in Feb. 2005 - May 2005, Aug. 2005 revised by Son, Sang-Kil in Sep. 2005

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gradient ../../gradient.f90

contains various gradients subroutines

hartreefock ../../hartreefock.f90

module to construct Fock matrix for RHF and ROHF calculations and various orbital transformation routines

impact_ionization ../../impact_ionization.f90

module for computing impact ionization cross sections

interpolate ../../interpolate.f90

Interpolation Module Ref) Press, Numerical Recipes, Chap. 3. Abstract data types - Linear : linear interpolation . F Linear_create(x(N), y(N)) . F Linear_interpolate(L, x) - Spline : cubic spline interpolation . F Spline_create(x(N), y(N), yp1, ypn) : yp1 and ypn are optional. . F Spline_interpolate(S, x)

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legendre ../../legendre.f90

Legendre module written by Son, Sang-Kil in Dec. 2003 rewritten by Son, Sang-Kil in Feb. 2005 - May 2005 author Sang-Kil Son generate_LGL_points is rewritten with Fortran 90 from Appendix C in Canuto, Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics (1988).

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localization ../../localization.f90

this module contains routines for orbital localization parts of the code has been copied from Kotas original code

matrix ../../matrix.f90

Matrix Module programmed by Son, Sang-Kil in Feb. 2004 for PHSX815 : Computational Physics

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mcscf ../../mcscf.f90

MCSCF module This is a first attempt to incorporate MCSCF into xmolecule

mergesort ../../mergesort.f90

module implementing merge sort algorithm

molden ../../molden.f90

This module is for writing out molden files written by Ludger Inhester in 2021 at DESY CFEL

molecular_grid ../../molecular_grid.f90

MOLECULAR_GRID module to define a multicenter molecular grid system written by Son, Sang-Kil in Mar. 2014 author: Sang-Kil Son USAGE: type(Grid3D) :: G call construct_Grid3D( P, A, G )

neweffpot ../../neweffpot.f90

This module implement the DIIS in two ways. (1) construct_Veff(): Simple relaxation + DIIS. The error vector can be effective or potential; (2) DIIS. DIIS from the begining. The error vector vector is density matrix. (2) is recommended for the calculation.

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nuclear_derivatives ../../nuclear_derivatives.f90

This module calculates nuclear coordinate derivatives of total Energy (T=0) or the grand potential (T/=0) written by Kota Hanasaki in 2014 at DESY CFEL being modified by Sang-Kil Son since 2019

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operations ../../operations.f90

This module contain initial_density, density, density matrix, molecular orbial density, wavefunction of molecular orbital, external potential, direct Coulomb potential, single-center integral, single-center Coulomb potential, Checking fidelity of molecular orbitals, and some other things

packed_index ../../packed_index.f90

tools for packing 2-index and 4-index quantities by exploitinh index symmetry

photoionization ../../photoionization.f90

This module is for the calculation of Ionization rates via independent-atomic-center approximation

population ../../population.f90

module for various kinds of popilation analysis

process ../../process.f90

process module adapted from xatom

read_param ../../read_param.f90

READ_PARAM module for atomic system and polyatomic molecular system written by Son, Sang-Kil in Jan. 2005, Jun. 2005 re-written by Son, Sang-Kil in Oct. 2007 for polyatomic molecules re-written by Son, Sang-Kil and Hao, Yajiang in Mar. 2014 for xmolecule adapated by Ludger Inhester USAGE: type(Param) :: P call read_parameters( P ) call print_parameters( P, "your title" )

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rwfile ../../rwfile.f90

This module contain subroutines to read and write data in disk.

scattering ../../scattering.f90

This module is for the calculation of scattering

scf ../../scf.f90

HFS and HF calculation for the molecular system using the LCAO written by Yajiang Hao, Ludger Inhester in 2014-2016 at DESY CFEL Mulliken atomic population analysis was written by Sang-Kil, Son in Sep 2014. This module contains the core part of DFT calculation, i.e. SCF procedure. During SCF we use DIIS to accelate the convergency.

secondorder_scf ../../secondorder_scf.f90

second-order SCF module

sph_harmonics ../../sph_harmonics.f90

Spherical Harmonics module written by Son, Sang-Kil in Jun. 2006 the derivatives of the real spherical harmonics have been added by Ludger Inhester Apr. 2017 Notation convention: r : radius theta : polar angle (latitude) phi : azimuthal angle (longitude)

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spin_coupling ../../spin_coupling.f90

This module is for the calculation of spin configurations according to genealogical coupling written by Ludger Inhester in 2016 at DESY CFEL

stdio ../../stdio.f90

STDIO : Standard Input/Output module written by Son, Sang-Kil in Mar. 2005 This module requires two intrinsic subroutines: getarg() and getenv()

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wavefunction ../../wavefunction.f90

All about wavefunctions (actually orbitals) for the molecular system written by Yajiang Hao in 2014 editted by Ludger Inhester, Kota Hanasaki, Sang-Kil Son in 2014-2015

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xmolecule_interface ../../xmolecule_interface.f90

XMOLECULE_interface: an integrated toolkit for X-ray and molecular physics subroutines providing an interface to other programs