Derived Types

angular_grid angular None

angular grid information

argument stdio None

general command line argument

atom_set atom_in_mol None

contains atom information

atomorbital angularintegration None

atomic orbital quantum numbers

average_occ read_param None

index of MOs for which we average occupation number

basis basis_func None

basis information

csf mcscf None

defines a configuration state function

gas read_param None

general active space specifications orbitals and occupation number limits

grid gps None

Grid for 1D N : # of grid points, 1...N Rmin, Rmax : the range in real space x(:) : grid points in the computational space (-1:1) r(:) : grid points in the real space (Rmin:Rmax), not [ ] rp(:) : dr/dx = 1 / (dx/dr) weight(:) : weights for integration D1(:,:) : first derivatives matrix D2(:,:) : second derivatives matrix Deriv(:,:) : original 1st derivatives matrix divided by r'(i) we can compute f' directly by f'(i) = sum( Deriv(i,:)*f(:) ) L : a mapping parameter for the reciprocal mapping mapping : mapping type ( 0: arbitrary, 1: linear, 2: algeb., 3: inv.rec. ) grid_type : grid type ( 0: FGH, 1: LG, 2: LGL, 3: ext-LGL )

grid3d molecular_grid None

molecular grid information

indep_mo_pair secondorder_scf None

pair of molecular orbitals

linear interpolate None

linear interpolation

localgrid nuclear_derivatives None

Data Structure to calculate 3-center integrals

lu_matrix matrix None

Data type: LU_matrix it contains the dimension of the matrix, N and LU-decomposed matrix, LU(N,N) also, permutation(N) and the sign for determinant, d

param read_param None

Param: all parameters to be used in main program

process_data process None

process information

radialintegrals augerrates None

Radial continuum-bound integral information from xatom

spline interpolate None

spline interpolation

teint_contributions augerrates None

bound-continuum integral contribution

transitiondipolemoments photoionization None

bound-continuum transition dipoles information (read-in from xatom)

umatrixtable spin_coupling None

structure to keep precompute spin coupling matrices

wf_data wavefunction None

wave function data

xmol_data xmolecule_interface None